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  • Land Surveyor
    Mr billy I want to know one more thing , in my rover rod have a circular bubble and beside that written as 8" what its actually means
    • Land Surveyor
      Is it measure the handle length billy
      • Yes,yes Raymond, now you know. Just had eye surgery  can not see to good.

        billy , God bless you.

    • Land Surveyor
      Ohhh I see yes billy the bubble made in to handle
    • Hi Raymond, I have never seen this having  to do with a bull eye bubble , may it does , but this means 8 inches, maybe  it in reference to the rod handle . Is the bubble made into handle i have seen this on Leica GPS rods before, i do not know how yours looks , but most of the new one's look like that. Measure the handle do you have a inch rule or convert CM to inches and see how long the handle is.

  • Land Surveyor
    Ok mr billy thanks , it is in my total station. ........30x written on the object lens model is LEICA TS 15 30 x means zooming 30 times higher than original object is it right mr billy
  • Hello Raymond, Is this on your T STA. or level , It the same anyway,  the 30x is the power of the lens on the, what every. The zoom means it not fixed, by this it can be focused at different distances. If you read on, you will find these distances on the spec. from near to far , the far will be infinity, You may also be given at what distance a object appears to be at in a given distance. The power like 30x means it is magnified 30 times. This is all this means.So when you are reading a rod at 200 ft or 60 +/- meters you are seeing the rod at 30x larger than , if you was to look at it with only just your eyes. Some powers can be changed to different magnifications it depends on the device.This is were it can zoom in and out, to change width and focus on a object. Hope this helps.

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