Show us why the public should always call a land surveyor

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  • Land Surveyor


    It sounds like a simple question, but really, why do we trouble ourselves about ownership of land?  That's the best question I have heard in a long time because it suggests a mental void that should only be filled by someone capable of explaining it in a simple manner.  That person may be a land surveyor, since land surveyors have been experts in certain matters of land.

    "Why we trouble ourself about ownership of land?"  If land were worth the same thing as it were to every other man, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    "Why we trouble ourself about ownership of land?"   If one does not trouble himself with ownership of land, then who will do it for him?

    I fear the answer to the second question.

    -Scott D. Warner, RLS

    • We aquire lands by oueself,and inherits lands from donors or parents etc,
      If those are not MANAGE properly then trouble starts mentally and physically,afterall the same property will belong to someone else after close our eyes.
      We SURVEYORS are playing a main role in between!!
  • GEO Ambassador


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