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Where are you surveying?

The military surveyor rarely gets recognition for the excellent work they do in support of construction, mapping, and geospatial intelligence. If there are any active or prior military LSU members out there it would be nice to know what types of surveys you've been involved in and photos if you have them. 

I was a construction surveyor (82B) and engineer technician (51T) in the US Army. It was a great influence on my civilian career and I got to participate in some very large scale projects during the 13 years that I was involved. I've posted some photos of some projects I was involved in like Operation Alaska Road, a ten mile road project that took many years to build on a Annette Island:

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  • Thanks Paul. Yes Alaska surveying was very rough - but very beautiful, as you know. The project was on Annette Island near Ketchikan, AK.

    Good to hear from you - looks like you've been staying busy!


  • Hey Ken,

    Great picture, it must have been an interesting project. That looks very familiar, I spent a season in Alaska building roads. It was awesome, had a chance to go salmon fishing, saw bears, moose, eagles, whales...I was lucky.


    Since seeing you last I've been working in the midwest and back in Az for a project along the border. Hope everything is good with you. attached are pictures in Anchorage, one in AZ near Sierra Vista.


    See You, Paul Quagge

  • GEO Ambassador

    See if you can locate this guy I was helping him some months [email protected] kevin hollar  he was just the first that came to mine. He was working in the middle east as  gov. contractor and is from NC

    Skip Farrow

  • Thanks for the suggestion Justin! I found and promoted 8 photos under military and a few more searching army. I'll do my part and post more military survey photos on LSU. Time to sound off military!

  • GEO Ambassador

    last time I looked there were a little over 100 Military Surveyors on the network...perhaps looking in the photos and searching for "military" you will find planty there...

    good discussion Ken

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