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Hai surveyors, I have one topographic file in AUTOCAD format, now I need to insert this file to Google Earth in same cordinate,pls help me


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  • Hi Noufal, below are the procedures that might help you...


    Procedures on overlaying image file (based from AutoCAD) on Google Earth


    Make a rectangular border on the extreme boundaries of the subject property and determine the coordinates of the North-West and South-East corner of the boundary based from your local system.

    1. Convert your local system coordinates into WGS 84 system geographic coordinates
    2. convert the CAD drawing into image file and crop the image up to the rectangular border.
    3. On the Google Earth, zoom in to the nearest relative position of the property using the computed WGS 84 coordinates as reference
    4. Go to to “Add” then “Image Overlay”
    1. Fill out the “Name” box, and on the “Link” box, browse the image file to be overlaid
    1. Click on the “Location” tab, and fill in the derived geographic coordinates on the respective box.


    Roy Vincent



  • You could use ArcGis to import the file& convert in Geotiff with Lat & Lon at least two point on display and upload in Google Eart Pro.


  • Land Surveyor

    please download Global mapper 10 program from net,by global mapper you export cad file as a .kmz then just open in google,if your coordinate system is in utm then very easy


    if feal probum then can discusse with me


    M Tariq

  • Upload your CAD file, and tell what what coordinate system you're on, and I can get you a kml file of what you need. If it's not on an identifiable coordinate system I can't do it
  • GEO Ambassador


    Publish to Google Earth from AutoCAD 2008

    New Version for AutoCAD 2008 posted!


    Google Earth Extension Technology Preview

    This AutoCAD 2008 add-on  is useful in publishing and viewing your DWG-based data and 3D models within Google Earth™.

    Applicable Products
    • AutoCAD 2008
    • AutoCAD Architecture 2008
    • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008
    • AutoCAD Map 3D 2008

    Install details

    Extract the downloaded file proper for your version of AutoCAD and then run the setup.exe. All files will be placed in the C:|\Program Files\AutoCAD 2008\ folder.

    • AeccDWGToGE.arx - the main AutoCAD run-time extension add-on module
    • AeccDWGToGEEnu.dll - the Windows DLL module containing all localizable text strings and dialog boxes used by AeccPublishKml40.arx
    • AeccDWGToGE.chm - a help file describing in detail how to use the Publish DWG to Google Earth application
    • GoogleEarth.cui - a partial AutoCAD customization file containing a four-button toolbar allowing easy access to the four commands available with this add-on.
    • Readme_PublishDwgToGE.rtf - The readme file

    I would load the GoogleEarth.cui as a partial CUI as that is what I did and it made things easy and loaded the ARX files.


    Command Name & Description

    • IMPORTGEIMAGE   Brings current Google Earth view into AutoCAD as raster image. Use this command to georeference your DWG model data to correct position on earth’s surface.
    • IMPORTGEMESH Brings elevation data in current Google Earth view into AutoCAD as a mesh.
    • GETIME Attaches time span information to AutoCAD entities which will be honored by the time tool available in Google Earth.
    • PUBLISHKML Exports your 3D DWG model space entities to an external file for use within Google Earth.

    There is also the download option for the 2007 based products available as well from Autodesk Labs. The first Publish to Google from AutoCAD 2007 was the very first tool posted last June 2007 when Eric Stover and myself started the Autodesk Labs.

    The credit for this excellent extension is Autodesk software developer Thomas Inzinga who has done much of the work and support for this extension in the late hours of the night.






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