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Inspiring Quotation for Surveyors

"The problems of boundary lie at the foundation of all surveying, for one must know where a line is before he can measure it, and the solution of these problems calls for the same powers of accurate observation and of consecutive and logical thought that are demanded for successful work in any branch of modern science. It is needless to say that the successful surveyor must be accurate in his instrument work and in his computation; yet, if he would really succeed, he must go beyond this. He must
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Views: 129
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GEO Ambassador
Tri-Ped Information and OrderingWe have exciting news for the new members of Land Surveyors United! Stan Dennison, the inventor behind Tri-Ped tripod stabilizers, has offered to hold a contest which will award one lucky member per month a free set of 3 Tri-Peds just for having their profile information and picture. What a deal!Here's how it works:1) Must be a member of Land Surveyors United. If you're not, join here (or click badge below).2) Complete your profile by filling in de
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GEO Ambassador
If you care to start chatting with other surveyors about other surveying related stuff, check out this new chat room i created over here at Lingr. The idea here is simple: Surveyors are a tight net group, but usually when they are in the woods or in the bar. I would like to see the same type of friendships built online. Check it out. It takes 2 minutes to create your profile and you can find other surveyors instantly. Lets grow this membership!
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GEO Ambassador

The New Sokkia SRX Packs Quite a Punch!

Thenew flagship of the surveying industry, Sokkia SRX, is a fully robotic,complete tracking total station that will blow your socks off!Professional Surveyor Magazinepublished a very informative interview with John L Florio, general manager at Sokkia Corporation, about the advantages of this flagship machine. Below you will find a slide show of a powerpoint presentation that we at Palmetto Equipment & Supply have put together in order to better explain some of the new features and functions that
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Views: 107
Thoughts: 0

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christopher lucas posted a blog post
I. Introduction
Overview of Land Surveying in Rugged Terrain:
Land surveying is a critical practice that involves the precise measurement and mapping of land to define property boundaries, plan construction, and manage land use. It is an ancient…
18 hours ago
Justin Farrow posted a discussion in Continuing Education
Comprehensive Guide to Continuing Education Requirements for Land Surveyors Across the U.S.
Continuing education for land surveyors is essential to maintaining professional competence in a rapidly evolving industry. Each U.S. state imposes different…
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christopher lucas posted a blog post
I.  Introduction
Overview of U.S. and Soviet Occupations of Korea
The division of Korea following World War II was a significant moment in the geopolitical history of the 20th century, leading to the formation of two distinct states: North Korea and…
EP196 - "Surveyor Shortage" - A conversation w/ Parker Zurbuch & Jessica Hess, Vincennes University via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

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Rodney C Blecha is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
christopher lucas posted a blog post
I. Introduction
Overview of the Sextant
The sextant stands as one of the most iconic and enduring tools in the history of navigation and land surveying. Known for its ability to precisely measure the angle between two objects, typically between a…
Rodney C Blecha updated their profile
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