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Student Surveyor

Software assistance

This is my first posting so I am not sure if my query is in the correct place!

I am a student and we have an assignment to develop a subdivision plan over a 2.5ha site (5.5 acres).

I am capable to do this manually with drafting board and pencil (real old technology!) but was wondering if I can download some free software that can allow me to design a suitable subdivision. I need to explore options ranging from lot sizes 360m2 up to 1,000m2. In effect, develop optional plans at 340m2, 650m2 and then 1000m2.

Can someone point me in the direction for some suitable software package?

Regards, Peter 

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  • Land Surveyor

    You can use Carlson Survey trial version.

    Carlson Software
    Software and Hardware Technology Solutions for the Land Development Market
  • Land Surveyor

    Check out parcellation in autocad civil 3d. this could be of great help to you.

  • Land Surveyor

    In civil 3D there is an option "Parcel" to make a subdivision

  • Not a Surveyor

    Traverse PC has a student version. It is not a system hog like CAD and comes with better COGO features built in. I use both C3D and Traverse PC at my job. TPC also has its own how to use videos to make it simple.


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      • Land Surveyor


        it depends from what you have to do ...

        If You have only 2D data (e.g. only boundaries of AOI, area of interest), a simply CAD is suitable and it allows you to compute quickly surface, lenght and perimeter of each parcel.

        If 3D data are available (DTM, digital terrain model) and You need section, profile and true area of slope surfaces, Intellicad or other 3D advanced CAD will help You in this job.


        Carlo Alberto

  • I believe Autodesk will give you a free license for Auto Cad, Civil3d or any product you like as a student. They will also sue if you try to use said license to make a sellable product. I also know FreeCAD is a free, open source product that could possibly be of help to you, especially if you are capable of developing missing tools in C++ or Python, but the toolsets available do not compare to what you get out of the box. Good luck, Dan.
    • On a small subdivision like this you will probably be best to compute your property lines as you would for a hand drawing, import your coordinate pairs to the CADCAD program and just draw the final plot in CAD. Years ago when I switched from.hand drawn to CAD U found it took me just as long to draw in CAD as I did by hand.

  • Land Surveyor

    There are student versions of Autocad and Civil3d available for free.

    Free Student Software Downloads | Autodesk Education Community
    Unlock your creative potential with free access to 3D design software from Autodesk. Free software downloads available to students, educators, educat…
  • Land Surveyor

    As a student you should be able to download a free version of Autodesk Civil 3d.

    It's a big program that needs lots of memory but it's extremely powerful.  You can create an account for free, many of our students have no problem with that.  It does have a large learning curve though too if you're not familiar with it, but I think any CAD software will.  I think Carlson Survey Suite may have a similar deal, but I don't have any experience with it.

    Free Software for Students & Educators | AutoCAD Civil 3D | Autodesk
    Autodesk provides students, educators, and institutions free access to AutoCAD Civil 3D software, in addition to learning tools. Get a free 3-year ed…
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