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Map Projections???

Hi All

Explain why map projections are used. your explanation should follow geodetic convention?????

Would below be the correct answer?

A map projection is the transformation of Earth’s curved surface (or a portion of) onto a two-dimensional flat surface by means of mathematical equations. During such transformation, the angular geographic coordinates (Lat n Long) referencing positions on the surface of the Earth are converted to Cartesian Coordinates (x, y) representing position of points on a flat map.

Cheers guys

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  • Map projections are used to represent a portion of the Earth's surface into a map. A mathematical procedure is followed (geodetic conversion) and the scale factor should be accounted for. No matter which map projection is selected, this representation is just approximated.

  • well map projections are used to counter a lot of errors that would gradually build up in our calculations from such elementary reductions such as converting slope distance to horizontal distances.Projections help us accuratly position a 3 dimensional surface unto a 2 dimensional piece of paper.Thus this rabbit hole goes very deep starting from basic concepts up to the complex GPS problems of today

  • " officially" the EPSG governs projections however with respect to survey data and geodetics in general, the rabbit hole goes much much deeper. Educate yourself on the difference between ellipsoid and geoid models and the processes involved with deriving a solution, respectively.
  • Lat and Lon are also a map projection.. there are very many projections and they all have some distortion.. we keep trying to figure out the shape of the earth.. and the shape of the earth keeps moving.

    This is a fairly good read..

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