Hi, just started 6 weeks ago in the feild. I'm in an island with no other land surveyors. Basically I'm getting by, but barely. Does anyone have any sugestions on some good books that could help me with land surveying?

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  • An 8 month crash course in surveying with an understanding of a triangle and a rectangle is really not enough of an education to undertake the type of work you've undertaken.

    I realize that this response is 2 years after the OP but even after 2 years you probably still don't have the tools required to perform land surveys.

    If the people on your island can't read or write, you may be able to get away with anything you want.

    I wish you luck.

  • What island? Some books are related to region or nation, not to mention what form of measurement ... metric or feet? Are you searching for practices and principals or possibly starting off with a book on calculations and procedures? What kind of surveying are you practicing ... construction? Boundary?
    • Ok I'm in Grciosa Island. An Island that is part of the Azores Islands, off the coast of Portugal. We work in meters, and calculations and procedures is probably best but, I'd go ahead and read practices and pricipals as well. Right now I'm implanting 7 buildings at a recycling and compost site. I need to calculate volumes often. Also, i have some marina work comming up. I'm going 7 weeks in the buisness, with very little support. Thank you.
      • Wow, you have a lot going on for only being in the business for 7 weeks. Have you gone to college for Surveying already? Calculating volumes can be tedious even for a seasoned pro, especially when they're anything but square. Software nowadays will usually do this effectively for you, such as Teramodel or AutoCad. I'm not sure I can help you with Practices and Principals for the Azores Islands, I live and work in the U.S. and I'm pretty sure our system is different.

        But construction surveying is pretty universal, measuring is the same all over the world, only the format changes such as Meters and Feet ... a triangle is still three sided no matter how you look at it and most forms of measurement are based off of triangles ... a square is 2 triangles, a curve is calculated using Delta which is a fancy way of saying Triangle. The books are not cheap though, here are 2 you could look at: http://www.amazon.com/Construction-Surveying-Layout-Step-Step/dp/09..." and http://www.amazon.com/Schaums-Outline-Introductory-Surveying/dp/007..." . Maybe these will point you in the right direction.
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