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  • Survey Legend

    I would imagine any 360 camera could be used in Topographic surveying, but you would have to map the imagery to a set of points gathered through a surveying device..

    NCTECH iStar

    Leica Cyclone

    With zero setup time, iSTAR does not require photographic experience to operate. With one-button capture and IP64 rating, it is fast and easy-to-use either indoors or outdoors.

    iSTAR has 4 x pre-calibrated sensors fully synchronised to deliver a highly accurate 50MP spherical image with excellent high dynamic range (HDR). iSTAR is fast at capturing images with typical capture times from around 5 seconds. Typically 50 to 60 panoramas can be captured on one battery charge, increased to over 600 when using the optional external battery. Processing and stitching the images is also fast. NCTech’s desktop application Immersive Studio, which is supplied with iSTAR, can batch stitch images in seconds.

    iSTAR is designed to be as data neutral as possible with output to connect seamlessly into your work-flow with deliverables that are industry standard compatible and can be used with the majority of existing application software. NCTech also offers software development Kits (SDK) for producers of relevant third party software to run some core iSTAR functions run directly within their own software environment

    Typical applications for the iSTAR panoramic camera include 360 degree visual documentation of an environment to give a full immersive view of a scene with all aspects in full context, including linking individual panoramic images together as a ‘virtual tour’ (similar to Google Street View) to enable the viewer to ‘move’ between capture positions. iSTAR’s accurate calibration means that it can also be used in high precision applications such as external HDR (high dynamic range) imaging and colourisation for spherical laser scanning systems like Leica, etc.

    iSTAR images can also be used for photogrammetry applications, both image-to-pointcloud processing (for example, Agisoft PhotoScan) and also in-image-measurement. Visit the official NCTECH iStar site

    Here is a link to the manual for Istar 360 if it helps

    iSTAR systems
    You can get truly amazing results with NCTech's iSTAR panoramic camera range, and it's well supported with a range of other options too!
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