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It is human nature to choose a course and then stick with it. Tenacity and staunch conviction are qualities we all admire andĀ traditionally seek in those who are leaders in our society. However, professional land surveying is as much of a science asĀ it is an art. Evaluating evidence and forming opinions are vital aspects in executing a proper survey.

Forming an opinion before the facts are known is the definition of a biased opinion and is the death knell for a professionalĀ surveyor's credibilit


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Omojowogbe Olawole Anthony and Thomas Anastassios Rozakis joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Student Surveyor Land Surveyor
9 hours ago
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Stone by Stone: The Enduring Legacy of Megalithic Survey Markers
I. Introduction: When a Stone Became a Story
Thereā€™s something timeless about a stone. Unlike wood, it doesnā€™t rot. Unlike metal, it doesnā€™t rust. It justā€¦ stays. Through storms,ā€¦
13 hours ago
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Sticks in the Ground: How Early Surveyors Aligned the Ancient World
I. Introduction: The Stick That Drew the First Line
Imagine standing in an open field at dawn. The sun rises slowly, casting long shadows that stretch across the earth. You have noā€¦
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Measured by Nature: The Role of Sticks and Stones in Prehistoric Surveying
I. Introduction: Nature as Humanityā€™s First Measuring Tool
Long before the development of formal surveying instruments, humanityā€™s understanding of space, distance, andā€¦
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Threads of Time: The Lasting Legacy of Rope-Based Surveying in Civilization
The Invisible Lines That Shaped Civilization
Imagine a threadā€”simple, fragile, easily frayed. Now imagine that thread stretching across millennia, woven into the very fabricā€¦
Nicole Madey, André Mannberg-Novakovic, Fred Isabirye and 1 more joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Recruiter Student Surveyor Land Surveyor Land Surveyor
Week 144: The New YSN Mentoring Program via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One
99 views 6 likes

Channel: Trent Keenan

In this episode weā€™re excited to welcome the YSN Committee asā€¦
Feb 5
Episode 243 - Brian Owens, Honor, Family, Music & Words via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

Oh my word...yet another value adding and life changing episode! The guys were joined in-studio this week by our good friend Brian Owens. We believe Brian to be the FIRST in the "5 Timer" club! By day, Brian is the Vice President of Safety &ā€¦

Feb 5