All Posts (3)
I am interested in possibly starting up my own private land surveying business. I was just looking for some information and/or tips from some people that have done this and been through it themselves. With the amount of money needed to get into the business, i would hate to start off wrong. Some questions i would have are:
How much money would I be looking at to buy all the equipment and to get my business going?
How do I begin to determine what a person should charge when running a business
Modern day land surveyors are no strangers to devices which feature "bluetooth" capabilities and functions. In fact, there is a strong chance that you are either holding a bluetooth enabled device or sitting quite close to one. Nevertheless, most of us probably have no earthly idea where the odd word came from. So, for my first post on this wonderful network, I'm going to tell you.
The word "Bluetooth" might have sounded stupid or humorous the first time you heard it. In fact, the
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