National Surveyors Week, Surveying Jobs and Resources - oh my!


10235948071?profile=RESIZE_400xHappy National Surveyors Week and we hope you are doing well.   This has been an entire week of celebrating the Land Surveying profession, here in the USA.  This week we accepted our 19,600th member, got a new home page for the community and we've been celebrating with all of you.  It truly has been an uplifting week for land surveyors.  If you would like to learn more about National Surveyors Week, look here.  If you would like to check in an drop a message for your fellow surveyors, you can do that here.  Thank you for helping us inspire the next generation of land surveyors by socially supporting your fellow surveyors.  

National Surveyors Week is a time to not only celebrate the Land Surveying Profession, it is a time to gain exposure for your company and strengthen the surveying community!  In our community, we feel it is also perhaps the best time of year to educate the public regarding the importance of land surveyors to society and civilization.

Please Add One Surveying Photo or Video to your Local Hub inside Land Surveyors United!

Here are a few quick things you can do today to support the community and promote your surveying legacy:

National Surveyors Week

Think Locally, Survey Globally


After getting your profile in shape, Here are 7 simple things you can do to get started:

1.Make sure your profile reflects your experience and expertise in Land Surveying

2.Learn How to Add Content and learn how to get started with your community profile:

3.Check out our Surveyor Apps and use them to easily post from the field or find information

4.If you are searching for Employment Opportunities in Land Surveying, you can start here:

5. Where to upload surveying photos (please make sure you provide proper titles,descriptions and proper category):

Location Based Hubs have Photos Sections too for sharing photo which represent local surveying culture and challenges.

6: Where to share Surveying Videos:

7. Join and contribute to hubs based on Location, Equipment or Special Topics in Surveying:

Resources and Tools to Help You Improve as a Land Surveyor

Land Surveying Jobs

All of the Surveying Jobs from the Jobs Board (where you can post jobs for free) comes into this page for Jobs.  Search for Jobs by Location Here

Land Surveying Equipment

Our Surveyor Marketplace Virtual Mall (aka Smarketplace) is available in a Web Version, Virtual Mall App (add it to your phone) and a RSS Feed Aggregator (list your equipment for sale).  Our Marketplace is powered by trusted vendors inside the community.  You can view the Megashop here.

Land Survey Company Directory

Our community cares about helping our members who own surveying companies get more business.  If you are in the US, you can list your company here inside the directory for free.  If you are outside of the US, you can find your location and list your company here.


Land Surveyor Radio - All of the surveying podcasts in one place 


Land Surveyor Tools and Resources You Should be Using in 2022


Surveyor Mentorship and Surveying Knowledge Exchange Project - Crew Apps for the Field

Your experience in Land Surveying is priceless to the next generation. But more importantly, it is the glue which holds your crew together.  We are trying something new as a community in order to attempt to improve inner crew communication across generations. 

Other  Cool Things You Can Do  Inside the Community

Add Surveying Articles

Add a Surveying Term to the Almanac

List Local Surveying Events

Post or Find Available Surveying Jobs

Add your Company to the Directory

Help Us Help You

Land Surveyors United is committed to a brighter future for surveyors and together, we try everyday to inspire the next generation by highlighting a promoting the present and historical importance of Land Surveying to society and civilization. Our Community, Mobile Tools and Apps for Members get better when you donate to the community, helping us continually upgrade our tools and add new features to use in the field.

Where Thousands of Professional Land Surveyors, Students of Surveying and Educators are United through Collaborative Knowledge and Purpose.

Follow us on Facebook  Twitter  


Thanks for continuing to share your land surveying expertise with us and we all look forward to learning about land surveying in your location!
Land Surveyors United

Be Well,


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Survey Legend

Justin Farrow - Creator of Land Surveyors United

You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community to add thoughts!

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Share your Surveyor Articles

Surveying Articles is a place for members to Share Land Surveying related articles, presentations and knowledge with the Land Surveyors United Community. Post or embed articles for future generations of land surveyors.

Surveying Articles and Presentations

Do you have an article about Land Surveying that you would like to share?

Land Surveying is a timeless art and science and it is therefore, evergreen! You may also know that a lot of older publications have gone away, unfortunately.   If you have written or published land surveying articles in the past, we would be honored for you to share them here with us.  If it is an older article, you can even republish it here with updates and reflections.  

class="block"Tip:   If you published an article in the past on one of the older sites which no longer exist, you can use the Wayback Machine to find it.  Then just copy/paste the old article inside a new post here.  Just be sure to tell us where it was previously posted.

Want to embed a PDF Document?

 If you have a PDF document or article related to land surveying that you would like to embed inside an article post, simply copy/paste the following code block into the HTML view of the post editor and replace the BOLD part of the code with the URL of the PDF you'd like to embed.   

Code to use:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" height="500px" width="100%"></iframe>

TIP:  You can also upload your PDF using the file upload button and then copy/paste the URL of the document you uploaded with the BOLD part of the code above to get a flippable PDF like so:

Uploading PDF land surveying documents to Surveying Articles

Differences between Forums, Blogs and Article posts

Forum Posts are great for asking questions which have a definate answer.  Forum posts are best for a quick exchange of information between Land Surveyors United members.   Please note that All Community Hubs have their own dedicated Forums so if your post is related to a specific hub, it is best to ask your question or share your tip inside the hub in which it belongs for targeted answers.  For example, if your question relates to Leica equipment, ask your question inside the Leica Hub forum for best results as all members inside that hub uses the equipment in question.  Likewise if your question pertains to a Location, you should consider making your post inside the appropriate hub.

Add Discussion

Blog Postsdiffer from Forum posts because you can embed and upload different kinds of information.  Blog posts are best for presenting information and updates for feedback and sharing.  When posting a Blog Post, you can also publish a short excerpt at the bottom which is what most members will see before reading the blog post.  Blog posts are also great for posting new surveying projects and digests of links to multiple surveying topics or your own website.   Things that can be embedded into Blog Posts are videos, images, slideshows, powerpoints, spreadsheets, PDFs, documents and more.

Add Blog Post


Articles are similar to Blog Posts in all ways except one.  Articles allow for you to post an Author Block at the bottom with links to your contact info, website information, credentials, etc. Similar to Blog Posts, things that can be embedded into Blog Posts are videos, images, slideshows, powerpoints, spreadsheets, PDFs, documents and more.  Similar to both types above, Hub Owners can add article sections and features to any hub they control on the community.

Add Article

Land Survey Guides