Download this collection of Surveying Articles added to the community so far! The articles within are geared to help new surveyors get a better understanding of what is expected of them and as such, will not be totally applicable to all areas of the world. We need to know if what is presented applies in your location. If not, please tell us the differences. Each of these articles were written from the point of view of Land Surveyors primarily in the United States. With that said, there will certainly be differences and other variables with the information in different areas of the world. We invite you to comment on any of the articles and encourage adding your suggestions for how the content relates to your local surveying environment. Thank you for doing your part to help us make surveying more engageable and supportable, socially.
Here is what it included in the download:
Focus on Land Survey Data Collectors
Quantity Surveyors and Services They Offer
Building Surveyor Salary And Employment
Land Surveyor Research Methods
Wow! Land Surveying Robots
Land Surveyor Tools
Land Survey - Do I Need One?
Land Survey Pricing & Factors to Consider
Land Surveying Formulas
Land Surveyor Safety
Focus on Land Surveying Continuing Education
Land Surveying Techniques
Land Surveying Consultants
Land Survey Technicians
Qualifications for Land Surveyors
Land Surveyor Internships
How to Become a Professional Land Surveyor
How to Read a Land Survey
Guide for Using Hand Signals in Land Surveying
Download latest-land-surveying-articles.pdf
Share your Land Surveying Knowledge today by adding an new article. Even if it is an article you wrote 20 years ago, give us an update here!
Smart post!