Land Surveyor Research Methods

The most satisfactory method in surveying small areas is the relative positioning of the control points that are calculated in a co-ordinate system rather than directly plotted by scale and protractor. This method allows all errors to be adjusted and it doesn't depend on any angle-measuring device. Using this survey research method plotted stations are independent and are plotted from precise calculations.

Choice of Station

Texas land surveyors should choose stations with the requirements of the survey in mind. They need to aim for good visibility between stations and bearing in mind any subsequent setting out.  If surveying Texas land for a housing site, the traverse lines will be used for picking up much of the detail to be plotted, so that they will follow the perimeter of the site. Cross lines, sited to serve as check lines, will also be arranged, if possible, to enable the collection of other detail. For setting out purposes, the nature of the district may fix the stations. This is often the case in closed-line traverses, where bends in roads, for example, dictate the precise pattern. When there is no such restriction, and the framework is for control purposes only, then long sights are preferable, and to avoid refraction the lines of sight should be well clear of the ground. The legs should be of approximately equal length, and it is suggested that no traverse should contain more than 10 legs before closing, whenever possible.

Research methods in Land Surveying


For example, Texas land surveyors should place chosen stations in such a way that there will be no displacement, because some time may elapse between angular and linear measurements, plotting the survey, and actual construction work, if any.

The stations may serve for the survey, or for control of leveling or contouring operations over the site, and also for setting out.  On roads, short heavy nails may be driven in and located by ties to nearby permanent features, while in fields, stout wooden pegs with small-headed nails driven in their tops are often favored. It is preferable to set these in concrete, if possible, and to locate them by ties from nearby features. Alternatively, it is possible to purchase proprietary forms of plastic or metallic marking systems. Areas liable to flooding and settlement are always suspected. Remember that although a station position may be very acceptable insofar as the lines of sight from adjacent stations are acceptable, the station itself will have to be occupied by Texas land surveyors and should therefore be suitable both for setting up the instrument and for the surveyor to be able to read the angles subtended there.

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Charlotte NC Land Surveyor

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