Dear Surveying Fraternity,
I have a query regarding a small land parcel. Its dimensions are 40' and 49'. If I take the diagonal it should
come as 63.2534 and both the diagonals should be equal, but I am getting one diagonal as 61'.45 and the
other diagonal as 65'.185.
Is there any problem in my Autocad settings or any.
Kindly help me in this problem please.
With Regards.
Er. D.Narsinga Rao
Surveying Engineer.A1Feet.dwg
Your parcel is not square, the cumulative skew is part of what's giving you the difference in diagonals.
Your dimensions are not all snapped to endpoints, some are snapped to each other or nothing. There's nothing wrong with AutoCAD's settings. See the attached drawing. In real world surveying, sometimes lines are skewed, and the parcel is still valid.
Dear Thomas Beckendorf ,
Thank you very much for clarifying my query.
I really appreciate your reply.
Er.D.Narsinga Rao