Focus on Land Surveying Continuing Education

For land surveyors, the education never stops.   The role of land surveyors is highly advanced and to get their license they must undergo several years study, work experience and licensing examinations. However, it doesn't stop there. In recent years many states require land surveyors to get involved in continuing education throughout their career. In today's guide we shall look at land surveying continuing education in more detail.

Regulations Surrounding Land Surveying Continuing Education

Approximately 75 percent of all states in the USA now require land surveyors to undergo continuing education even after being licensed.

The number of hours varies between states, however most states require at least 24 hours of land surveying continuing education every three years.

Land surveying continuing education is very broad and can cover a variety of subjects that are most suitable for the career path you have chosen. For example, you may choose to take seminars and classes in land surveying ethics and law the first time round then after three years you may be more interested in learning more about current technologies and the latest research in land surveying.

There are a huge range of courses available for land surveying continuing education to choose from. So why has the government decided to make land surveying continuing education law? Let's take a look.

Land Survey Continuing Education

Why is there Land Surveying Continuing Education?

While many people may find that the requirement for land surveying continuing education is a hassle, there are actually a huge range of benefits to it.

A large amount of land surveying is based around technology and research, and as we all know technology literally advances on a daily basis. By having land surveying continuing education, professionals can be kept up-to-date on the latest advancements in the industry to ensure they don't get left behind and that the quality of their work remains as high as possible. In terms of the public, it is important that land surveyors take part in continuing education to maintain high standards and safety measures.

Many land surveying continuing education courses actually simply teach land surveyors the basics of land surveying. Sometimes the best way to continue your education is to go back to basics and refresh your memory. Many of the basics of land surveying such as geometry, trigonometry and basic physics probably weren't brought up again after first year college, so a refresher course can make a big difference.

How to Get Land Surveying Continuing Education

There are many ways in which you can gain the required land surveying continuing education hours that you need in your state. Check with the surveying licensing board in your state to establish how many hours (if any) you are required to do and how often to ensure you are not breaking any laws by practicing land surveying.

The first step you can take to finding land surveying continuing education courses is by speaking to your employer as they should have knowledge of what courses are available and may be able to recommend good ones to you. Often there are group discounts if other employees get together and attend the land surveying continuing education classes together.

The internet is a fantastic resource for finding land surveying continuing education courses and many of them can be booked online simply and easily. There are a wide range of courses available ranging from day seminars through to week long intensive courses and workshops.

As the law for continuing education is still quite new, more and more courses and classes are popping up all the time.

Land Surveying Continuing Education Cruises

One of the latest revelations in land surveying continuing education is Caribbean cruises! One of the most popular companies that offer land surveying continuing education courses now offers the opportunity to complete up to 24 hours of training while cruising the stunning waters of the Caribbean!

It may seem like a bizarre concept, but it is incredibly popular and surprisingly affordable. Hundreds of land surveyors take part in the cruises and it provides a fantastic opportunity to mingle and share ideas with your peers.


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