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Land Surveyor Licensing

Land Surveyor Licensing

Land surveyorsĀ are mainly involved with land features and water boundaries. Prior to a building or housing complex being built, the land must first be ruled acceptable for construction. The job outlook for ambitious land surveyors is promising, and the earnings can be considerable. However, you must be a registered and licensedĀ  land surveyor to work as a professional.

Land Surveyor License

Land surveyors appraise the area of the land in order to authorize the precise site of elevations, lines and outlines for the intention of construction, cartography and other achievements. They research prior survey materials, as well as maps and other evidence, to obtain the essential circumstances for new surveys. Land surveyors continue precise notes and sketches to make sure that the work administered is certifiable; they also work with engineers, architects, clients and others affected with the development blueprint. Land surveyors take on legal accountability for the work that is completed.


Land surveyors work mainly in an office, but their projects also takes them into the field. They have to compete with all different kinds of elements with the barring of rain and wind, as these circumstances have the ability to cause irreparable damage on the surveyor's supplies. Such supplies usually includes computer-aided design software, digital cameras, laptops or personal digital assistants, Global Positioning Systems, and metal detectors, to name a few.

Potential land surveyors usually earn a bachelorā€™s degree in surveying, forestry or a related field, civil engineering; as such a degree is usually necessary by most companies. Most states demand that the Accreditation Board authorize the college or university for Engineering and Technology. Land surveyors must have a license to be able to practice, which they receive by passing a written test given by the state board and the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying.

Professional Land Surveyor License


In most US states, land surveyors must also re-register every couple of years to be able to practice land surveying as a profession. Most states have their own licensing examinations.

Once they get their first Professional Land Surveyor license, land surveyors must continue other education requirements. Each state requires different numbers of hours of training to be finished each year. This ongoing education guarantees that professional land surveyors are current on consumer beliefs. It also allows for up to date skills and knowledge. All land surveys have to be achieved by a Professional Land Surveyor. Most states require you to repeat the process for a license if move to a different state.

There are fees associated with receiving a land surveyor license. These fees can differ from state to state. Fees include:

Land Surveyor-in-Training: $ 70

Professional Land Surveying Firm: $ 75

Professional Design Firm: $150

Certificate of License: $ 20

Duplicate License: $ 20

Renewal of License: $ 60

Income of Professional Land Surveyor


The typical income of a land surveyor in the United States is $56,000. This income varies depending on location, education and the company you are employed with.

Employment junctures for land surveyors are estimated to increase to 21 percent----much quicker than typical occupations----over the period of the decade between 2009 and 2019. This is because of an increasing request for worthwhile and precise geographic advice. Job circumstances will also become accessible due to former land surveyors retiring or abandoning the field, developing a need for fill-ins. As a result of better technology, job prospects will be specifically friendly for those surveyors with a bachelor's degree and above-average technical qualifications.


Tell us about the typical income of a Land Surveyor in your area of the world and what is required to become a Licensed Land Surveyor where you live.

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Land Surveyor

Gadsden Land Surveying
Gadsden, Alabama
(256) 952-4711

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  • Land Surveyor

    Outstanding article!

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