Land Mentor Software License Registration is Now FREE!  Thanks Neighborhood Innovations!

Land Mentor Software is Now Free for Land Surveyors United Members!

July 1st, 2022: ā€˜Land Mentorā€™ Land Development now freeĀ 

Neighborhood Innovations, LLC. is gifting the land development and buildingĀ  industry to solve many of the growth problems worldwide.Ā Ā 

LandMentor is a ā€˜Systemā€™ that blends technology with an education in advancedĀ  market proven land development planning and housing design methods.Ā Ā 

The education and technology of using LandMentor should decrease the infrastructure needed to develop land between 5-40% compared to current andĀ  past development patterns. For urban redevelopment, the reduction can beĀ  greater than 50%.Ā Ā 

This has obvious economic and environmental benefits to developers, residents, cities and is desperately needed with todayā€™s escalating construction costs andĀ  increased interest rates.Ā 

What is LandMentor?Ā 

In the mid-1970ā€™s Rick Harrison began developingĀ Ā software for land surveying and civil engineering toĀ Ā expedite tasks going from fieldwork to subdivisionĀ Ā plats. His experience by 1975 was in land planning,Ā Ā surveying, civil engineering and land development.Ā Ā 

By 1982 he collaborated with Hewlett Packard andĀ founded Land Innovation, which became a leading civil/survey softwareĀ  developer for two decades.Ā Ā 

In 1989 Rick Harrison Site Design (RHSD) was formed to discover new methods ofĀ  design based on new forms of software. This led to innovation in land uses, landĀ  surveying, site engineering, development design and architecture.Ā Ā Two decades ago, with Keith Willenson in charge of software, they beganĀ  developing a new core technology to reinvent the growth industry.Ā Ā Realizing software cannot change anything without an education to ā€˜thinkĀ  differentlyā€™ this new product could not have a separate educational component,Ā  nor could it be modular with separate components and options.Ā 

That is the essence of LandMentor. Essentially ā€˜Land Development 101ā€™ in a singleĀ  easy to use and quick to learn complete system.Ā 

How LandMentor will improve the worldā€™s growthĀ 

Current CAD & GIS software automates geometric relationships that have been inĀ  place for centuries. Utilizing robotic automation to ā€˜land planā€™ typically results mundane repetitive neighborhoods with excessive infrastructure. Lately, thatĀ  infrastructure has risen in price by as much as 40% or more.Ā Ā 

Replication by CAD should be obvious when most residential and commercial newĀ  construction appears to have been designed by the same person. Itā€™s because theĀ  software industry has ā€˜dumbed downā€™ design with a button press for ā€˜typicalĀ  configurationsā€™ or replicable components. Itā€™s all about speed, not quality.Ā 

LandMentor was developed to bring ā€˜quality of growthā€™ and foster better design.Ā 

Before technology, to calculate the geometry on a 100-lot subdivision could takeĀ  several weeks. Today, software firms often demonstrate a hundred lots can beĀ  designed and calculated in less than a minute or two. The result will be a cookie cutter subdivision, not likely a great place to live nor raise a family. How could itĀ  be, with a minute of thought behind it?Ā Ā 

Technology should be all about moving design forward, not backward!Ā 

To address this, LandMentor introduces an industry first - a software packaged Ā with an education. For example, does Microsoft Word instantly make you a greatĀ  author? Obviously, no. But what if it was packaged with a complete education in story telling?Ā 

LandMentor provides the tools and education to create exciting, more functionalĀ  development with less economic and environmental impacts.Ā Ā 

LandMentorā€™s ā€˜holisticā€™ education merges land surveying, site engineering,Ā  advanced land planning, architecture, 2D presentations and interactive 3D/VRĀ  that can be learned in a dedicated week or two. This eliminates the long learningĀ  curves (and costs) required of CAD and GIS.Ā 

LandMentor includes:Ā 

  • Itā€™s training teaches how to instantly recognize waste in a design ā€“ planningĀ  or architectural floor plans.Ā 
  • The spatial intelligence can instantly report surface areas to quantify theĀ  waste, so it can communicate economic and environmental impacts. ā€¢ Within the system, and on-line free videos, users can learn techniques toĀ  reduce or eliminate the waste.Ā 
  • Cities can now be more in control of their growth by providing feedback ofĀ  submittals at initial design stages to demonstrate any waste in theĀ  proposed development or redevelopment. The developer can thenĀ  demand from their consultants a better and more efficient design orĀ  continue with the approval process. Assuming the feedback will reduce theĀ  construction costs and increase profits, the developer is likely to resubmitĀ  an improved neighborhood. LandMentor provides a win-win solution.Ā 

Reducing (or eliminating) the dependence on CAD:Ā 

LandMentor has no commands, and its patented graphic & video prompts makeĀ  all tasks easier and more enjoyable.Ā 

LandMentor does not ā€˜data baseā€™ which means it allows computers to do whatĀ  they do best ā€“ compute. In LandMentor the drawing does not exist ā€“ onlyĀ  precision math. It is essentially the exact opposite of CAD. Every screen refreshĀ  LandMentor builds the drawing from scratch eliminating geometric mistakes using a CAD or GIS base engine.Ā Ā 

There is no better solution for land surveying and precision mapping. Its coreĀ  strength makes it the ideal engineering and advanced planning design platform.Ā 

The first ā€˜Surface Basedā€™ solution:Ā 

We live in a world of surfaces ā€“ not lines and curves, and those surfaces haveĀ  environmental and economic impacts. LandMentor is the first ā€˜surface basedā€™Ā  solution that eliminates the need for hundreds (or thousands) of CAD layers.Ā Ā 

LandMentor instantly reports surface impacts with easy-to-understand charts soĀ  designers can take action to reduce waste and cities can communicate the wasteĀ  to the developer.Ā 

The developer can demand less wasteful design (taught in the LandMentorĀ  system) which can increase profits while creating more attainable housing.Ā 

Changing the way the industry communicates:Ā 

LandMentor ā€˜videoĀ Ā gamingā€™ basedĀ Ā interactive 3D isĀ Ā easily created fromĀ Ā normal planning,Ā Ā surveying, andĀ Ā engineering tasks.Ā Ā 

Since most usersĀ Ā today will be familiarĀ Ā with video gamingĀ Ā there is no learningĀ Ā curve.Ā 

LandMentor includes ā€˜plug & playā€™ VR headset support so users can transportĀ  themselves into a meta environment. In 2015, LandMentor was the firstĀ  technology that used VR headsets in public meetings for planning and councilĀ  approval. This was in Springfield, Kansas for GDR Development on a tract of landĀ  that Lady Gagaā€™s music video ā€˜You and Iā€™ was filmed on.Ā 

But the most important beneficiaries will be the future generations that will haveĀ  increased living standards with less economic and environmental impacts.Ā 

LandMentorā€™s holistic approach includes:Ā Ā 

  • The first ā€˜land surveying basedā€™ technology with positional coordinateĀ  geometry and precision spatial intelligence ā€“ unparalleled accuracy ā€¢ Land surveying includes import coordinate and raw data from total stations and export to field by descriptionsĀ 
  • Integrated site engineering, street & utility design, & earthwork ā€¢ Advanced land planning and land use methods to create better neighborhoods and more successful commercial growthĀ 
  • How to blend interior spaces with surrounding exterior open spaces ā€“ evenĀ  on more affordable production housing to increase value & livability
  • Learning how to instantly recognize design induced waste and communicate it to take action to reduce the waste ā€“ critical for sustainable growth ā€¢ Precision city mapping, important because most GIS maps are not precise ā€¢ Automated Legal Description writing eliminating transposition errors ā€¢ Financial aspects of development including forecasting tied to the design ā€¢ Landscape Architecture with materials and costingĀ 
  • Teaches how to reduce both Time and Energy with more efficient streetĀ  design as well as creating safer and more direct pedestrian systems ā€¢ Integrated interactive DTM - Digital Terrain Modeling (natural & proposed) ā€¢ Spectacular ā€˜texturedā€™ 2D presentations and plats as a byproduct of design ā€¢ Precise intelligent communication of spatial informationĀ 
  • Introduces proven new solutions for land use and zoning transitions ā€¢ Efficiency gained by increasing ā€“ not reducing existing minimums ā€¢ Improve communication of everything ā€˜landā€™ relatedĀ Ā 
  • Video Gaming based interactive 3D that is easy to use. Quickly go from aĀ  survey ā€“ engineering ā€“ planning environment to 3D creation ā€¢ Demonstrate shadow casting in real time - useful for vertical buildingĀ  impacts on surrounding neighbors at public meetingsĀ 
  • Plug & Play VR Headset Support for immersive experiencesĀ  ā€¢ The ability to filter excessive data of LiDAR to a more usable form withoutĀ  losing any digital terrain accuracy can reduce data as much as 99% ā€¢ Ability to export LandMentor Virtual Reality to SketchUp with Enscape forĀ  more photo-realistic interactive 3DĀ 
  • Ability to read ESRI ā€˜shapeā€™ files with analysis to produce curved propertyĀ  lines if shape file data is accurate enoughĀ 
  • Read and Write DWG files, DXF, and SiteComp .ASC files... ...and much more!

For universities, reduced learning curve enables professors to concentrate moreĀ  on better design and solutions.Ā Ā 

This will provide a new generation of empowered students that can addĀ  significant value to those seeking new talent.Ā 

Creating a More Collaborative Industry:Ā 

The sad state of the consulting industry is the lack of communication andĀ  collaboration between the four pillars of consulting services:Ā 

  • Land SurveyingĀ 
  • Civil EngineeringĀ 
  • Land PlanningĀ 
  • ArchitectureĀ 

This is because there is no common knowledge base, no common understandingĀ  of how oneā€™s action can destroy anotherā€™s intention. This creates commonĀ  conflicts between planning, engineering, and architecture.Ā 

Currently no University teaches a common knowledge base. This is why weĀ  included it in the education and training of LandMentor.Ā 

No Charge - to encourage change worldwideĀ 

The development of LandMentor was entirely funded by the profits of RickĀ  Harrison Site Design Studio. The software development and patents are paid for,Ā  and not encumbered by investors to demand immediate profits. NeighborhoodsĀ  Innovations, LLC. (spin-off from RHSD) gifts LandMentor to the world so that theĀ  industry can finally solve many problems facing growth, from both regulatory andĀ  design perspectives.Ā 

Over 1,500 developments were designed with LandMentor (approx. $100 billionĀ  in construction), itā€™s time to distribute the technology and education out into theĀ  marketplace to as many end users as possible.Ā Ā 

LandMentor does have several patents to prevent other software firms fromĀ  replicating its advantages.Ā Ā 

LandMentor Registration:Ā 

Existing LandMentor users prior to this gift paid between $4,995.00 a seatĀ  and $50,000 a seat. These are permanent licenses and will never have anyĀ  extra fees. The new users of LandMentor, will need to register theĀ  software. After that it will occasionally query the server to make sure itā€™s aĀ  valid license within the fee use period. It will also report how much itā€™sĀ  being used.Ā Ā 

When there is no internet connection:Ā 

Other subscription-based software checks the validity of the license everyĀ  time it is opened, which can be irritating or a disaster if the license canā€™t beĀ  verified during a critical meeting.Ā 

LandMentor is intended to be the primary communication tool at criticalĀ  public and private meetings when the user never wants to see a warningĀ  that the software cannot operate because of a bad internet connection. IfĀ  LandMentor cannot check the license because the internet is not availableĀ  or intermittent (like on an airplane), it will still work without a problem andĀ  check later when internet is available.Ā Ā 

Rewarding Higher Usage:Ā 

While LandMentor will never report what itā€™s being used on or for, it does reportĀ  back to Neighborhood Innovations, LLC. how often it is used.Ā Ā 

Those that have higher activity levels will have higher levels of educationalĀ  materials sent to them and be offered discounts on trainings.Ā 

Whatā€™s Included - and whatā€™s not?Ā Ā 

After July 1st 2022, all thatā€™s needed is to download the ā€˜systemā€™ fromĀ and dedicate the time (about a week or two) to go throughĀ  the included initial training (on video and PowerPoint with example files) as wellĀ  as through the integrated textbooks under the Help menu.Ā Ā 

  • The LandMentor software technology is free until the end of 2023.Ā Ā 

If the LandMentor system goes viral with over 100,000 users, another freeĀ  year of use will be added.Ā Ā 

  • When LandMentor does revert to a subscription model, the more endĀ  users, the less cost it will be.Ā 
  • During this free time period, all updates and upgrades and video trainingsĀ  via the website and YouTube will be available at no extra charge.Ā  ā€¢ The education included that provides a wealth of information for the careerĀ  success for those that use LandMentor.


  • The first day self-training (PowerPoint, Videos, and example files). ThisĀ  class (previously $1,995.00) introduces the general use of LandMentor fromĀ  reducing land surveying data (including topography), to learning newĀ  methods of design and architecture, to designing a land development usingĀ  some of these new ways to think, embellishing the site plan, derivingĀ  critical site data, and creating an interactive 3D of the proposal. HighlyĀ  experienced, computer savvy users can go through this initial training in 4Ā  hours ā€“ those with no prior knowledge or experience, 8 hours.Ā  ā€¢ Example developments created in LandMentor.Ā 
  • 2D Landscape, sports fields, aircraft, etc.Ā 
  • 3D Models in LandMentor format.Ā 
  • Integrated (within the software) textbook, essentially Land DevelopmentĀ  101.Ā 
  • Images for textured backgrounds.Ā 
  • Example Site Designs from LandMentor in SketchUp/Enscape format. Extra Cost Options:Ā 

Printed Material:Ā 

The textbooks (over 1,000 full color pages) including the book Prefurbia andĀ  quick reference guides with the software, 3D models, videos and training inĀ  PowerPoint on a USB is extra cost. Currently it is $300.00, however, shouldĀ Ā 

the numbers of users and demand increase, the cost will go down.Ā  Prefurbia is available separately on Amazon.Ā 

Support:Ā Ā 

The technology and educational materials were intended for beginners asĀ  well as those with extensive software backgrounds. No prior CAD or GISĀ  experience is needed.Ā Ā 

Support is available. Price will be listed on the LandMentor website.


Full day trainings will be available in Minneapolis. Trainings are in a classĀ  setting specific to the needs of the type of end user at $1,995.00 a day. SinceĀ  the first day of initial training ā€“ available in video format - is included, the extraĀ  trainings are intended to increase ability and productivity.Ā Ā 

The four different classes will be specific to these end users:Ā 

  • Land Developers and Home BuildersĀ 
  • City Staff, Planning and Council membersĀ 
  • Civil Engineers and Land SurveyorsĀ 
  • Land Planners (Landscape Architects) and ArchitectsĀ 

The classes will be coordinated and scheduled with demand with a minimum of 4Ā  attendees and a maximum of 15.Ā 

The Future Subscription:Ā 

Eventually the System will revert back to a subscription model with theĀ  option to purchase a permanent license.Ā Ā 

Our intention is for the system to go viral internationally ā€“ the more users,Ā  the less annual cost. This model is similar to when SketchUp was offered atĀ  no charge gaining 35 million users in 2016, and now SketchUp Pro is justĀ  $300 annually. While LandMentor is far more comprehensive thanĀ  SketchUp, we hope to be able to emulate the pricing.Ā 

LandMentor as a conduit for other technologiesĀ 

LandMentor was designed to be a translation tool between other hardware andĀ  software technologies specific to real estate development including precisionĀ  mapping and military applications.Ā 

Field Instruments:Ā 

LandMentor can read and reduce raw .Rw5 files, including line connectionĀ  codes.Ā 

Most surveyors reduce the raw data, the typical import format is:Ā  Pt#, North, East, Elevation, and description.

LandMentor is an ā€˜object basedā€™ system using positional coordinateĀ  geometry, eliminating the need for point number management. ThisĀ  comes in handy when transferring new coordinate data to the dataĀ  collector for stakeout.Ā 

It is NOT a high-level construction stakeout system. We recommended aĀ  software such as Carlson for that purpose.Ā 

AutoDesk and most other CAD:Ā 

LandMentor can read all versions of DWG files and can export all versions.Ā  When reading in a DWG file, it appends the LandMentor layering systemĀ  with the imported CAD layers. DWG does not fuse common corners asĀ  LandMentor does, so for each point read in, it tests to see if that locationĀ  has been used and will fuse linework to easily create surface intelligence.Ā  When exporting to CAD, much of the internal intelligence and power will beĀ  lost because of the limitations of CAD.Ā 


LandMentor can read ESRI shape files. These files do not contain curvedĀ  property lines. However, LandMentor will perform an analysis and attemptĀ  to rebuild the information with curved lines if the shape file is accurateĀ  enough. LandMentor is not (yet) a fully functioned GIS system.Ā 


This more recent technology produces an excessive amount of data thatĀ  can overload most computational tasks. When the LiDAR data is cleanĀ  (non-spastic lines), LandMentor contains filtering functions that canĀ  replicate the land surface with 1/100th or even less of the original LiDARĀ  data.


SketchUp is a very polished technology, easy to use (we include SketchUpĀ  training in the LandMentor system), and everywhere for a good reason.Ā Ā 

LandMentor uses Collada (.dae) format specific to SketchUp toĀ  communicate to and from SketchUp.Ā Ā 

While SketchUp is excellent, when dealing with hundreds of homes ā€“ it canĀ  be tedious. To solve that problem, LandMentor can create a 3D ā€˜groupā€™Ā  from a SketchUp model, so that hundreds of homes can be quickly set allĀ  coming out at the correct elevation. While other sources from 3D such asĀ  from AutoDesk and other systems have seemed to work fine, their digitalĀ Ā 

overhead can present a significant 3D performance problem.Ā 


For a more photo-realistic and powerful interactive 3D that is also plug &Ā  play VR (see screenshot above) at low extra cost, we highly recommendĀ  using Enscape, by exporting the LandMentor 3D job to SketchUp. We haveĀ  created files as large as 2 gigabytes that have home interiors detailed with landscaping that sways in the wind without any signs of slowing down inĀ  screen and VR performance. For that reason, as much as we would love toĀ  eliminate the need for any external software, we recommend Enscape.

Financial Modeling SoftwareĀ 

LandMentor education included spans into the cost of construction as wellĀ  as financial modeling and forecasting from the precision spatial informationĀ  imbedded in the core data structures. This section of the software andĀ  training was done with the help of Skip Preble of Land Analytics, one of theĀ  top industry experts.Ā Ā 

It is not intended to replace high level financial software, but instead useĀ  the precision data to gain information without the possibility ofĀ  transposition error. The information LandMentor can export can be readĀ  into a spreadsheet for other software to expand upon.Ā 


SiteComp was founded and initially developed by the founders ofĀ  LandMentor. LandMentor can read in SiteComp ASCII format files.Ā 

Downward File Compatibility:Ā 

Because the updates and upgrades of LandMentor are at no charge,Ā  downward compatibility (example not able to read in the latest CAD fileĀ  using an older version) should not be an issue.Ā 

Hardware Requirements:Ā 

We purposely developed LandMentor on older hardware! Why? To makeĀ  sure it can run on somewhat older technology as well as the latestĀ  computers. This is not to say it will run on your grand-pappyā€™s CommodoreĀ  computer, but itā€™s pretty diverse on what it will run on. It might run OK onĀ  an Apple with a Microsoft PC Emulator (maybe), otherwise ā€“ pretty muchĀ  PC computers. It was also developed for ā€˜out-of-the-boxā€™ PCā€™s and weĀ  understand many are on a restricted company network. For those systems,Ā  you will need the network administrator to install and set it up.Ā Ā 

Here's the recommended minimum hardware requirements:Ā 

  • A PC running Windows 10 or 11 (most likely works Ok in windows 8) ā€¢ Display graphics of 1080p (1920 X 1080)Ā 
  • Internal or external GPU that can run Gaming Graphics
  • A 3-Bullton Mouse and an X-Box360 Gaming Controller Why there are no minimum memory or hard disk requirements:Ā 
  • LandMentor depends more on the processor power and does notĀ  data base, thus no need to rely on disk space. Most files areĀ  relatively small compared to CAD, GIS, and 3D software likeĀ  SketchUp.Ā 
  • The software itself is very compact taking up a small fraction of theĀ  space of a typical CAD system.Ā Ā 

If using VR headsets:Ā 

These are the current verified supported headsets:Ā 

  • Arpara Gaming (new)Ā 
  • HP ā€“ Mixed Reality and others based on the same technology ā€¢ HTCĀ 
  • Oculus Rift 2 (tethered)Ā 

You will need a very powerful laptop or computer to run VR. WeĀ  recommend getting an expert gaming consultant (or a 12 year old gamer)Ā  to set up your system if you are not yet familiar with Steam, and VRĀ  software support.Ā 

A properly setup VR system that has been working fine may have troubleĀ  operating because of drivers that have not been updated. Not keeping upĀ  with updates should not hinder LandMentor operation, but could affect VRĀ  operation and performance.Ā 

Be aware:Ā 

Some Anti-Virus software may be too obtrusive such as AVG and canĀ  interfere with smooth operation or prevent the 3D Unity Graphic windowĀ  from opening.Ā Ā 

LandMentor has had international users from South America to Siberia andĀ  has been modified to handle a wide variety of users ā€“ however, it isĀ  possible in some environments outside the USA we would need to adjustĀ  future code.

User Testimonials:Ā 

From Michael Shamsie of the LandMark Group (a Civil Engineer user). From a Planning Commission member:Ā 

ā€œYour submittal and presentation set a new standard for future applicantsā€ From a Planning Commission member in Missouri:Ā 

ā€œThe 3D model helps us with the transformation from paper to the reality of whatĀ  the development will look likeā€Ā 

From Chris Canaday ā€“ Developer and Builder in California:Ā 

Hereā€™s a few bullet points about the advantages of the planning methods that areĀ  taught in the included educational materials of LandMentor:Ā Ā 

We developed Placitas de La Paz which contained 270 homes. The community isĀ  located in a small city that was virtually 100% low-income Hispanic population. TheĀ  home sizes were small, and the density was much higher than normal at the time.Ā  The design was new and different - it created more interest and privacy than aĀ  standard land plan. They were virtually sold well before construction wasĀ  completed in each phase.Ā Ā 

We did not jack up the sales prices and still made an excellent profit. Today, theĀ  resale of home prices are substantially higher in spite of the huge real estateĀ  problems we experience in California.Ā 

Granted timing was excellent but I do believe the land plan was an important factorĀ  in our success.Ā 

From Ed Taravella ā€“ Head of the Houston Builders Association, and Developer:Ā Ā 

Would you like to see the as-built environment of a new development before it isĀ  built? Want to fly/drive/walk through the development you are proposing in virtualĀ  reality? The incredible thing about this feature is that it is just a by-product, if youĀ  will, of the LandMentor system. I was pretty amazed when I saw my tract of landĀ  transform into my own unique immersive community. Usually, we only see ourĀ  plans in 2D. With LandMentor, you not only walk through your proposedĀ 

community, but you can also walk through the actual homes (or buildings) youĀ  propose build.Ā Ā 

One of the unique things about LandMentor is the ability to determineĀ  environmental density and show in a pie chart how the site is covered i.e., streets,Ā  driveways/flatwork and building pad. I have never seen a land plan break out theĀ  coverage quite like this. But in todayā€™s market, impervious cover and the resultingĀ  drainage issues are now at the forefront of local government regulation.Ā 

I have never heard of anything like LandMentor before being introduced to RickĀ  and LandMentor many years ago and there is still nothing like it out there.Ā  LandMentor can integrate the different elements of the land development andĀ  construction process. Engineering, surveying, land planning, development, homeĀ  construction and virtual reality in one integrated system. A system as tightlyĀ  integrated as this is accurate and precise. (Nothing is lost in translation as there isĀ  nothing to translate) not sure about this last line.Ā 

Nick Rhodes ā€“Developer & Builder ā€“ Rio Grande Valley, Texas:Ā Ā 

ā€œThe current development landscape is rapidly changing as new buyers continue toĀ  enter the housing market. Cities and developers are having to think outside the boxĀ  to fill the demand to produce the housing inventory to meet the needs of theĀ  modern buyer. Rick Harrison Site Design and software Land Mentor are critical inĀ  displaying and educating all parties involved in the development process. The 3D capabilities of the software streamline the development process so cities andĀ  developers can be on the same page when presenting new concepts and everyoneĀ  can virtually walk the streets and understand the livability of what is getting built.Ā  Land Mentor has been an extraordinary asset for our company in developingĀ  several projects that offer higher quality of life than competing developments, butĀ  we would not have been able to get them approved without being able to have cityĀ  staff and commission visualize the project. Rick Harrison and his software, LandĀ  Mentor, is a great tool for all stakeholders involved on the development processĀ  from engineers, cities, developers and the end consumer, who ultimately is why weĀ  all do what we do. ā€œ

Greg Somers: Land Developer ā€“ Mentor, OhioĀ Ā 

The technology and assets that LandMentor provided has completely transformed,Ā  innovated, and most importantly streamlined the process of pursuing andĀ  obtaining new community development approvals. Gone are the days where weĀ  would present a black and white plat map. The technology brings a community toĀ  life prior to ever existing. The virtual reality, color renderings, and color site plansĀ  has an immediate positive impact when presenting a new community plan. One ofĀ  the most important functions the technology provides is the ability to addressĀ  neighbor concerns and show that the new community is going to be an asset vs. aĀ  liability.Ā 

We have had many circumstances where we may not have been able to obtainĀ  approvals and community acceptance if it wasn't for the technology and assetsĀ  that LandMentor provides when being used in the design and presenting of a newĀ  community development plan.Ā 

From Steve Wilhelmy, Real Estate Broker in Minnesota and TexasĀ 

As a commercial broker that specializes in listing land for residential development,Ā  I am a big fan of the Land Mentor system. The ease of use and ability to generateĀ  quality 2D and 3D concept plans to include in the marketing packages really helpsĀ  potential buyers visualize the property's potential.Ā 

From Jeff Buell co-owner Sitterle Homes, TexasĀ 

It recently occurred to us that we have been working for over two decades withĀ  you and your team at LandMentor. After getting over the fact that we are nowĀ  two decades older, we began to reflect on the projects we very successfully haveĀ  completed with your help.Ā 

Our first experience with your ā€œCovingā€ street design was in our RoseheartĀ  community. Beautiful site made more beautiful by the relaxed curves andĀ  staggered home setbacks of the street design. Having less asphalt and moreĀ  ā€œgreenā€ throughout the neighborhood allowed us to create a monument toĀ  development that has truly endured the test of time. Even though we completedĀ  that project years ago, people still clamor to ā€œget inā€ and find a residence there.

On we traveled to several other projects, some more complex than others. EachĀ  benefitting from the thoughtfulness and effectiveness of the design. LimitingĀ  asphalt, alternative pedestrian plans, and greenbelts meandering behind theĀ  homes all providing for wonderful community feel.Ā 

Along the way, we reflect on some of the intangible items you provided thatĀ  assisted with our successes. Speed, clarity, knowledge, vision all come to mind.Ā  Speed of creating the vision we want to achieve. Clarity of the vision backed byĀ  knowledge of what this vision will entail from a cost standpoint. All theseĀ  traveling hand in hand in the creation a community. A community for people toĀ  live in and to bring them peace from the outer world.Ā Ā 

Amongst all the variables this business will throw at you, LandMentor hasĀ  provided a consistent platform in which to operate regarding land planning. JustĀ  thought we would drop you a note, as we appreciate the time together and theĀ  achievements we have reached, with the help of you and your firm.Ā 

From Walter Magill, PE & PLS Four Points Surveying & Engineering Steamboat Springs, ColoradoĀ 

Four Points Surveying and Engineering has utilized and benefitted fromĀ  LandMentor software on three recent development projects in Steamboat Springs,Ā  Colorado. The LandMentor software was an excellent asset to our projectĀ  presentation for public meetings on a multi-building apartment developmentĀ  project. The software allowed the planning commission and City Council toĀ  understand the proposed development and provided visualization of grading,Ā  landscaping, walls, and other improvements. The ability to render the project in 3- D for a public presentation was instrumental in gaining approval for theĀ  project. We also worked with the LandMentor project on a 100+ acre property toĀ  quickly develop a multitude of proposed layouts at a fraction of the cost of otherĀ  products and we can create grading volume scenarios. Quickly developing sitesĀ  with LandMentor Software makes it a unique product.Ā 



The methods and technology have won many awards: LandMentor was also chosen accepted into the CleanTech Open in 2012.Ā 

The methods and/or theĀ Ā technology has been featuredĀ Ā in almost every industryĀ Ā specific publication ā€“ in printĀ Ā and online.Ā Ā 

Neighborhood Innovations,Ā Ā LLC. has been involved inĀ Ā as well asĀ  LandSurveyorsUnited.comĀ Ā both addressing internationalĀ issues.Ā 

Example Developments designed with LandMentor: AL: Huntsville CO: Steamboat FL: Trasona (drone) FL: The Reserve IN: Brownstone KY: Frankfort MN: Lake Elmo MN: Otsego MN: Maple Lake MN: RochesterĀĀ 

MN: Wayzata

MO: St Louis MO: St Louis NE: Omaha OH: Aurora OH: Dayton:Ā 

TX: Brownsville TX: Edinburgh TX: Edinburg TX: Irving TX: Houston TX: Laredo TX: Mission TX: San Antonio TX: Schertz WA: Cle ElumĀ 

Some Outside USA:Ā 

Bogota: Edmonton Headingley: Minaki Lodge

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