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20+ Conversation Starters To Get Surveyors Talking

Are you looking get involved with Land Surveyors United but have no idea about what to discuss?  Well, the one thing you can be certain of is that we all have a shared interest on this network.  And whether you are pondering adding a story or a discussion, the fact remains that if you keep your subject related to surveying, you will get some feedback, make some friends and build your personal network.

20+ Conversation Starters To Get Your Fellow Surveyors Talking

  1. What is your favorite ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ? Asking your fellow surveyors about their favorite anything might stimulate a response. Try it.
  2. What is your average day of surveying like? Most people like to talk about themselves. Surveyors on the other hand (as a whole) are a tough bunch to get talking.  Ask your fellow members what their average day of surveying is like and chances are theyā€™ll tell you. Theyā€™ll also compare it with anyone else that answers.
  3. What do you think about ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.? Giving opinions is human nature. When you ask for opinions youā€™ll get a lot.  The surveying industry is undergoing a lot of changes so let's discuss them.
  4. What advice would you give to the person above you? Careful about these. Can stimulate a lot of activity, but can also get way out of hand. Useful for a light-hearted touch to your community efforts.
  5. Can anyone recommend ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.? Most people like to be helpful and show off knowledge. Again, land surveyors seem to need a bit of inspiration to get talking about what they recommend. Nevertheless, asking for recommendations will solicit knowledge and engagement from other surveyors..
  6. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you whilst ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ ? Self explanatory. Entice your fellow members share their stories. Itā€™ll almost certainly boost your presence on the network and build you some clout.  The goal here is to inspire members to slowly get to know and like each other. 
  7. Can anyone fix ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ? Present a difficult problem, let your fellow surveyors try to suggest ways to fix it.
  8. What is the best/worst ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ? Opinions, opinions, opinions. Begin this type of discussion in as many different ways as possible. Pick a sub-category and ask people for their best/worst suggestions.
  9. Who do you most admire? Pick someone in your surveying life you most admire and tell others why.  You never know... some of us might admire the same mentors.
  10.  Is {x} really better than {y}? Feel free to make it controversial, if you like. Pick an issue other surveyors will be split on ā€“ but not divisively so. Ask questions about it. Let your fellow members take sides.
  11. If you werenā€™t ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ would you ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ? Create a hypothetical situation in which all surveyors can give their opinion on something radical.
  12. Who/What are your top 5 ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ? Ranking can be addictive. Ask your fellow surveyors to rank their top 5 anything and then we'll try to create an overall ranking based upon the community. This could be a fun community event.
  13. How would you handle {topical issue}? If you were THE BOSS in charge, how would you handle a topical issue in your sector?
  14. What ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. do you use? , ask people to compare what relevant products/services they use. Companies love this information too. This type of topic is relevant in almost all online communities
  15. Does anyone know how to ā€¦ā€¦ ? Does anyone know provokes interest, the how to can be broad or specific. People are likely to participate.
  16. Has anyone triedā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.? Again, has anyone is all-encompassing and people are likely to share their experiences.
  17. Is ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. right about ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ? Take someoneā€™s stance on a topical issue and throw it open to comment by the entire community.  Again, there are many daunting subjects to discuss among your fellow surveyors.  Simply pull one out of your hat and ask!
  18. What would you do if ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. ? Create a hypothetical situation, perhaps a problem lots of other surveyors face, and ask your fellow members what they would do. Life problems work well here, not just surveying.
  19. What should every newcomer know about ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.? Well, what should every newcomer know about something relevant in the land surveying industry? Itā€™s great advice ā€“ perfect for making a few friends across borders.
  20. Share your pictures/top tips here. Sharing advice and pictures can be an easy win for stimulating engagement and building your personal/professional network online. Try it. I suspect you will find it easy to gain lots of valuable insights.

Add a Discussion

Do you have a question or something pressing on your mind? Share it in a community forum post and get feedback from your fellow professionals. "Groups" all have their own dedicated forum for discussions which are specifically related to a topic, type of equipment or location.   There are approximately 300 group forums for finding a topic and getting targeted advice.  Is your question or problem, surveying equipment related?Post it in the relevant Group forum based on your equipment manufacturer.   Get targeted feedback from your fellow members who are using the same equipment that you are.

Add a Surveying Story
That snake you saw today would make an excellent photo submission, but an even better surveying story! Tell us how you got away! Do you have an interesting client story or a peculiar survey you'd like to share? Post it as a story and pull in photos and videos from around the network to give your story that extra punch! You can include documents, maps, quotes and more to give us the BIG picture! You can become more legitimate and respected as a surveyor when you can say to your friends that they should check out your story or video on Land Surveyors United.  We are all here to learn about the similarities and differences in surveying practices in every part of the globe. Show us how you survey where you live!

New! Post surveying stories to LSU using 3rd Party blogging Apps

Add an Event

When is the next surveying conference in your area? Add it here and increase exposure and attendance by promoting it with both the network and the social media world. You can also embed Google+ hangouts, live streaming video from your meetings and even embed live commenting, voting and social engagement features. With this approach, there should be no reason for lack of attendance to your meetings any longer. Stream it live so that those who aren't able to physically attend, can participate. If you need assistance or directions on how to make this happen, send us a note and we'll help you make it come to life!

 ?  Find a Member


Using the link above you will be able to search members on the network based on location, types of equipment, level of experience, and the type of surveying they are involved with. Likewise, there are other methods for finding reputable support from your colleagues. You can use our Explore page and search the various sections of our network for topics, members, media etc. You might also try our Locals page, which allows you to search by location with a single click or simply visit our ever-growing Global Member Map. With a little persistence, you will surely find someone to discuss your particular topic with.

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Our community is a unique place where the juniors of surveying learn from the seniors and vice versa.  We bridge the knowledge gap in the field with shared experience.  With our ever-growing need to adapt and utilize technology both in the field and in the office, Land Surveyors United network is your place to cultivate new talents, find and share Surveying Job opportunities, share your present and past accomplishments, and foster long-lasting relationships with student surveyors and other land surveyors around the world. Bookmark this page and when you have an idea or something interesting and useful to pass along to your colleagues and prospects around the globe, share it in a post or a photo.


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šŸ—ŗļø.  Add a point to the new Land Surveyor Atlas and find or post jobs.

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šŸ“ƒ. Over 16 years of community curated Surveying Related Documents.

šŸ“œ. Submit a term to the Land Surveyor Dictionary for the future.


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