New Rules for Level Mission Completion:
In our beta phase of Land Surveyors University, we had a dedicated form for members to fill out once they completed a mission. We will no longer be using this form as we have come to the conclusion that it creates needless confusion for some and it is difficult to navigate from our mobile interface. Now the rules have changed and this will remain the format for submitting levels through the year. I am going to attempt to be as clear and concise as possible so that this translates into other languages with clarity.
1)To submit evidence of a completed level, you must Start a New Discussionwithin the group forum of the level you are completing.
For example: For Level One, you must start a new discussion here. For Level Two, you would start a new discussion here. And so on, through all ten levels.
2)Your photos and videos accompanying your submission must be found within your post, with the descriptions of how you accomplished the mission written inside along with your media.
For example: If you took photos or video of your development project for Level One Mission, you would Start a new post, Give it a good title, Describe the site, plan of action and then upload the photos and videos inside the post. Be sure to note the location and any sorts of obstacles such as environmental challenges that you anticipate with surveying this hypothetical site. Simple right?
3)Finally, you must provide the subject tag for the particular level you are submitting.
For Example:If you are submitting evidence for Level One of Land Surveyors University, tag your post with 'levelone' without the ''. For Level Two, you will tag your post with 'leveltwo' without the ''. All tags are comma separated.
This will be the format for all Ten Levels of Land Surveyors University. It will ensure that you have as much room as needed to describe your mission and evidence and it will prevent anything from being lost in a form submission.
What's the Point of Land Surveyors University?
In brief, we are building a framework for Ten Levels of Experience, a body of knowledge, that a Professional Land Surveyors or Geospatial Professional involved with surveying should have in order to consider themselves to be a Level Ten land surveyor. In order to look at this process accurately, we must have submissions from every area on earth, as surveyors in different parts of the world are more or less experienced with certain aspects than others. Submitting evidence places your completion of each level up for review by your fellow members. The number of views, shares and likes that you receive will translate to points. Your points are cumulative and add up through the various levels. You must complete each level to receive invitation to the next level. Those with the most points at each level along the way are awarded prizes from our sponsors based on points and performance. The winner will be the member who completes Level Ten with the most points. That winner will receive a new GPS unit to use on Survey Earth in a Day 2.0 on June 21st (solstice 2013). All of your submissions will become material from which other surveyors can learn from until the end of time. I hope you all will participate and become better at what you do, through helping your fellow land surveyors learn more.
Do it for yourself
Do it for your industry
Do it for the future
Do it for the future of your industry
If you have any questions or concerns, please write me. Good luck Surveyors!