Check out the new Resume / CV Generator Tool for Land Surveyors to find a job in Surveying.Ā Ā
Editing Your CV Resume
How to Save Resume
What to Do With Your New Surveyor CV
HTML Code to Add to Profile
How to use the Resume Generator Part One
Are you looking for a job in Land Surveying? UseĀ this cool new resume / CV generator toolĀ to quickly generate a PDF resume. This is a sample resume / generator set up just for land surveyors. You can use this tool to create and embed a resume into your Land Surveyors United Profile. This will come in handy in a pinch. Click any field to edit/ replace existing dummy content. Use Tab key to go to next input box. You can add/remove any element you like. Also pay attention to the page break. Press CTRL+P to save as PDF! Be sure to watch Part Two for how to quickly embed your resume into your profile.
How to use the Resume Generator to Add Your Resume to your Profile
This is part two of using the Land Surveyor Resume Generator to quickly create a Resume or CV to embed into your Land Surveyors United profile. Embed the PDF into your Community Profile for employers and recruiters to see. Upload photos and start discussions which demonstrate your experience in land surveying, whichwill attract recruiters to your profile, thus having access to your credentials and Resume for hiring considerations. Get creative... reverse the job search by adding yourself as a reverse job post on the Jobs Board.
Are you looking for a job in Land Surveying? UseĀ this cool new resume / CV generator toolĀ to quickly generate a PDF resume. This is a sample resume / generator set up just for land surveyors. You can use this tool to create and embed a resume into your Land Surveyors United Profile. This will come in handy in a pinch. Click any field to edit/ replace existing dummy content. Use Tab key to go to next input box. You can add/remove any element you like. Also pay attention to the page break. Press CTRL+P to save as PDF! Be sure to watch Part Two for how to quickly embed your resume into your profile.