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Surveyor Group Forums Go Mobile!!

Stay Connected Locally and Survey Globally

I just spent the past couple of hours playing around with the newest release to our mobile network- mobile group forums.  I must say that I believe this feature could be a HUGE game changer for mobile communications between professional surveyors in the field.


Network With Your Local Group Members

We are all part of a dynamic group or society of professionals based on the geographic location of our homes.  By searching the new mobile groups, you can join a group forum based on your location and share experiences right from the field.  This will give us all a better understanding of what it is like to be a surveyor in your area.  Tell us about the challenges you face such as environmental hurdles, wildlife safety, weather conditions, etc.  In our pursuit of a more global understanding of how surveyors operate around the world, we can better equip ourselves for the challenges found within the industry through creation of awareness.

Share Important Announcements in Your Area

State Boards, Professional Associations and Societies can all benefit from the ability to keep everyone on the same page by making your most important announcements known by sharing them in the local group forum based on a location.  This will also make it simpler to notify everyone of changes in a calendar or having local chapters RSVP for important events.

Fix Your Broken Equipment

Ever had something break in the field?  Sure we all have.  By searching for the manufacturer of the equipment and asking a question inside the correct group forum, you are effectively targeting your question towards other members who are familiar with that type of equipment.  You could, for example, ask if some other surveyor out there might have a user guide for the type of equipment you are using.  Now with Mobile Group Forums all of this can be possible without having to pack up and head back to the office.

Troubleshoot Errors and Issues While IN the Field

Errors can destroy a productive day of surveying.  Nevertheless, many errors can be resolved quickly by asking a fellow surveyors who have dealt with and over come those errors.  Many errors for equipment simply have never been documented and therefore you may never find the solution without asking a fellow experienced surveyor. Use the Mobile Group Forums feature as your Get Out of Jail Free Card and contribute solutions to common problems so that other surveyors can benefit from your experience, while on the go!


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New Things You Can Do

ā–¶ļø. Tell us what we should build NEXT for the community.

šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø. Become a Mentor for those new to surveying

Meet up with other surveyors insideVirtual Chat for the community.

šŸŽ™ļø Listen to all of the Surveyor Podcasts in one place.

šŸ’„ Find the perfect Surveying Job of your dreams

Generate a Resume in seconds

šŸ’Ŗ. Post your available positions for Surveyors Seeking Employment.

šŸ”ļø. Find deals and specials on Survey Equipment from the marketplace.

šŸ“. List your company inside the Survey Company Directory.

šŸŒ. Contribute to surveying knowledge Locally inside your local hub community.

šŸ–¼ļø. Share images from the field and Photos of Surveying for the community.

šŸŽÆ. Find targeted support for your Surveying Equipment from other users.

šŸ“ŗļø. Learn something new everyday from Surveying Tutorials curated by the community.

šŸ§°. Customize SurveyorSpreadsheet tools shared by the community.

ā›“ļø.  Add a badge to your website and Show your support for the community.

šŸ—ŗļø.  Add a point to the new Land Surveyor Atlas and find or post jobs.

šŸ“„. Publish an article or republish an outdated document.

šŸ‘½ļø. Learn how to use Artificial Intelligence in AI for Surveyors Hub.

šŸ“† Increase turnout by sharing Local Surveying Events with the community.

šŸ“ƒ. Over 16 years of community curated Surveying Related Documents.

šŸ“œ. Submit a term to the Land Surveyor Dictionary for the future.


Surveyor Hubs By Location

Introduce yourself to other land surveyors around the world


Land Surveyor Life In Other Countries

Use the forums inside this module to Introduce Yourself inside the dedicated Hub Forum for Your Location --->

Simply click the other tab, find your location and find the Add Discussion Button which looks like this:

Add a discussion to Surveyor Forum

Tell us something we may not know about Land Surveying in your part of the world.  We look forward to meeting you!

Our community is a unique place where the juniors of surveying learn from the seniors and vice versa.  We bridge the knowledge gap in the field with shared experience.  With our ever-growing need to adapt and utilize technology both in the field and in the office, Land Surveyors United network is your place to cultivate new talents, find and share Surveying Job opportunities, share your present and past accomplishments, and foster long-lasting relationships with student surveyors and other land surveyors around the world. Bookmark this page and when you have an idea or something interesting and useful to pass along to your colleagues and prospects around the globe, share it in a post or a photo.


Surveyor Apps and Tools


Land Surveyor Apps Suite

The following mobile web apps can be added as a shortcut to your phone or data collector's home screen for quick access from the field- no software to install.

Apps for All Land Surveyors

Surveyor Dictionary App

Surveying Videos App

Apps for Employment Seekers

Surveying Jobs Search App

Surveyor Resume Pool For Recruiters

Apps for Surveying Equipment

Equipment Hunter App

Survey Equipment Support App

Apps for Connecting with Surveyors Locally

United States Land Surveyors Hubs

International Surveyors Hubs


Latest in Surveyor Forum, Articles and Almanac