You may have already received an email with a new digital badge acknowledging that you are a member of the network and opening up the possibility and your ability to receive digital rewards from Land Surveyors United for participation and help of your fellow surveyors around the world. This post will show you how to accept these awards through Credly and how to set up your account.
That First Badge Looks Like This:
Why Should You Care?
Over the next couple of weeks leading up to International Surveyors Week 2015 and Survey Earth in a Day 4D, we will be awarding digital badges to those surveyors who participate in the celebrations. These digital badges will become very important when we move to our new community platform and will save you money on products and instruments that you purchase in the future.
New Badges to Earn and Claim
Upload your PSA to Receive the PSA Excellence Award [Post]
Participate in Survey Earth in a Day 4D [Post on SEIAD]