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What could possibly cause the loss of field data from the TSC3 datalogger?
Whenever I open the point manager window of the job,my pickups for a particular day display blank coordinates. The point names and codes are however displaying and whenever I try to "Key in" a point with the same name as one the "Lost" points,I get the usual "Point name already exists" prompt but this time with blank coordinates.
PS:I am very sure I have not deleted the data for that day.(I've downloaded it though)
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Trimble software operates form a ECEF based platform. It takes that platform and associates a vector to it and creates your "position" or point. If you disrupt the flow, say deleting a backsite, or a total station setup any of the data collected from those set ups loses its associated vector. The collecor knows you had those points but it no longer can calc them. Other possibilities include linking of jobs or changing the properties of a job. If you link jobs it creates a double "site" calibration, again altering the vector association and altering your data. Also if you are staking out off an xml or even cogo'ing points those point require the vector data relationship to be visible in your job review. I suggest "backtracking"in your "review job" or unlinking or reverting back to the settings you were using when you collected the data. Also any data you collected prior to localizing a site is also subject to vector loss. Good Luck
Try to import your job file to TBC then you will see all duplicated points.
Check your display options. I have difficulty myself with the various display options available.
Thanks Kim but I have but no good.