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Land Surveyor

Hello everyone,

My name is Chris Siebern and a am a professional land surveyor in Indiana, United states of America.  We have survey procedures in place that keep all of our staked corners within the ALTA/NSPS minimum standards most of the time.  Where I'm finding issue is when staking out corners that are very close together, like within 30 ft.  The crew is using an on-site base station and RTK to set the corners and measuring positions with double occupation after staking, but we are "just" missing the allowable tolerance report by a few hundredths of a foot.  The crews pull a tape between the points after staking if they are that close together and the measured distance always checks out well.  So we have a check in taping that we note for the adjacent points that fail the 0.07' + 50 ppm test if that happens.

Here is my question.  Is there a way to record the measured distance between the points in Trimble Access so that the measured distance observations are available for use in network adjustments?  It would be almost no work in the field if this observation type could be added.  If we were using Star Net, we can just add 1 line to the input file from the field notes. 

Does anyone know if TBC even has an observation class for measured distances?  I hate to ask the crew to setup a robot just to get the observations to check the report box in these corner condition cases.  I know you can create linework from taped distances in access, but I don't think that data is included as observations in the least squares adjustment.

Thanks in advance!

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