Members of Trimble Support Hub for Surveyors

Trimble Surveyors Hub

This group is for LSU members who use Trimble in the field. This group is for discussions and tutorials related to Trimble user. LSU is not directly affiliated with Trimble and all logos and imagery are copyright of their respective owners.

193 Trimble Users
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Land Surveyor

Including Taped distances as observations in Trimble Access to help with Network adjustments for ALTA/NSPS minimum standards reports

Hello everyone,My name is Chris Siebern and a am a professional land surveyor in Indiana, United states of America.Ā  We have survey procedures in place that keep all of our staked corners within the ALTA/NSPS minimum standards most of the time.Ā  Where I'm finding issue is when staking out corners that are very close together, like within 30 ft.Ā  The crew is using an on-site base station and RTK to set the corners and measuring positions with double occupation after staking, but we are "just"ā€¦

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Retired Surveyor

Robotic Trimble S5 - functionality

Anyone has a manual for this particular equipment please to share.I accompanied a junior surveyor on one topo survey and showed me that the machine shows some reading results such as Horiz. Angles, Veritical Angles etc but what puzzled him was a Vertical Distance reading of around 0.167 and in some cases lesser. He claim that this reading should be pretty close to 0.00 otherwise a reobservation is required. May I seek what does this vertical distance refers to? Is it a misclose reading or justā€¦

0 Replies
Student Surveyor

5603 Stake Out Question

I am a home builder that purchased a 5603 with TCS2 data collector running Surveyor Pro 4.7.I have no experience in surveying but I am slowly learning to use the machine.My question or problem is I have experimented with staking out a 25'x25' square in my driveway which is pretty level. When I check the points and square it up, it's dead on.Ā I then tried in my yard with a decent slope. It's telling me it's roughly a 3' drop in 25'. That point is off about 2". I'm not sure how to correct this orā€¦

1 Reply · Reply by Patrick Perkins Mar 23, 2021

Trimble Videos

Overview of the Trimble Business Center Mining Subscription
Trimble Mining: Underground Peg Installation Workflow
TBC 2024.10 Save Corridor Linework
TBC 2024.10 Extract Mining Breaklines and Mining Slope Conformance Reporting
TBC 2024.10 Analyze Road Shoulder
TBC 2024.10 Ortho Lane
TBC 2024.10 Automatic Lane Line Markings Extraction
TBC 2024.10 Generic Point Feature Extraction

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  • Land Surveyor

    Buenas noches, mi pregunta es la siguiente, es posible la compatibilidad entre un receptor 4700 y una colectora TSC2, cual seria la mejor configuracion para la interoperabilidad de estos equipos.

    De antemano gracias.


  • Seeking Employment

    I tried it at work today.

  • Seeking Employment

    Any news on the Trimble SX10?

  • Land Surveyor

    Good evening, I am a user of Trimble 4700 GPS equipment, on January 1st, 2017 perform a positioning of a baseline, when I downloaded the information to my PC I realized that the date of removal was put on 18/05/1997, THERE IS SOME APPLICATION TO UPDATE THE DATES AT THE CURRENT TIME OF THE SURVEY.

  • Land Surveyor
    Hi im looking for EGSTAR for my Rtk machine. South S82
  • Hi,

    I don't know how my face got on here. I did have some Trimble questions a while back. I found a good Trimble repair guy near Atlanta Ga if anybody is interested. He worked for Trimble before going out on his own & has kept my 5303 Robot working great.

  • Any one use a Zeiss Elta 50.. Here?? Just an inquiry since Trimble bought Zeiss out!

  • Can anyone help me with these questions about R10 and 4700? Thanks.
  • This might be a simple question, but I have Pathfinder Office 5.20, and everytime I try to load a WMS service I get an error. Does any one have any links that work, I have tried all teh WMS services i use in ArcGIS, but they all show errors. Is there a set Trimble offers, i could not find it on their web sites, or is there ones that every one uses. All I want are the world images like on ArcGIS, or Bing, or google earth. they work iin the GIS world, so they should work on pathfinder office too. thanks for all your help.

    PS, I am in BC, Canada, if that makes diffrence, it shouldent though.

  • Party Chief

    Hi Mashaka.. you most likely will not get much of a response when you just add a comment because there is no way to directly reply to it. Ā Your best bet is to start a new discussion in this group forum so that everyone here gets a notice that you need feedback..

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