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  • Ummm..  You might want to dust off the old Compaq 386e with Windows 3.1 desktop while you are at it....

  • Land Surveyor

    +1 on the NULL MODEM cable, it is the same as a RS 232 cable but the pinout on the "serial" version is reversed. meaning the wire from pin 1 goes to pin 9 whereas the wire from pin 1 in a null modem cable goes to pin 1 on the opposite end. RS 232 is the standard 9 pin cable. 

    • Land Surveyor

      Thanks for the information!  Looks like I should find a 26 pin connector or the multi adapter cable. 

  • Land Surveyor

    If a serial cable doesn't work, you may need a "null-modem" cable.  There are serial-USB cables out there.  But, I have never tried one.  I have used the Trimble multi adapter cable in the photo.  It allows you to use a standard USB cable to connect.1201355334?profile=original

    • Land Surveyor

      I appreciate the reply back!

      I will take a look on ebay to see if I can find one.

  • Land Surveyor

    Are you using Windows Mobile Device center? If not, you will need to use that software to connect with that old of a Trimble.model. I have one and use the 26 pin without a issue.

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