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Government Professional

Trimble Post Processing

Hi! I am using a Trimble SPS852, SPS882 and a TSC2 controller. I would like to know if any one here knows how to get data for post processing in the following format: DAT, Rinex2, Rinex3, T01, T02 and Quark. Or does anyone know any tutorial links for these. Thank you!

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  • Land Surveyor

    I used the below technique. I set base station with uknown coords (as "here"), i measured as RTK, then i made export dc file from receiver. I made static observations from Base. Download base files, import in TBC, processing first, then i import dc file, reprocess RTK data

  • Land Surveyor
    If need more help with post processing in TBC you can contact me directly!
    • Government Professional
      Hi Sir! Thanks for the info. I have 2 softwares on my TSC2, SCS900 and Survey Controller V12.48. How do you use these to gather data on a station with unknown coordinates for post-processing.
  • Land Surveyor
    Hi ! Post processing of trimble raw gps observations can be done very easily with TBC Software ( Trimble Business Center) ! Just connect your receiver to computer and TBC will automatically detect it ! Here is a tutorial link posted on youtube by NeiGps :
  • Land Surveyor

    First choice to connect receiver via cable with PC (after that you can see it as a disk), choose your files by date (Dat files). If you don't have a cable, transfer files from receiver to controller (Menu/instrument/receiver/ import from receiver....)

  • Government Professional
    My units have data logging. But I don’t know how to extract observations from the units.
  • Land Surveyor
    The first thing is to find out if your gear can do it. Some Trimble units do not have memory within the unit to allow static recording of epochs. Connect to each unit via Bluetooth, look in instrument, functions, status (or similar) if your unit shows 300kb memory available all good. If it shows 0kb talk to your Trimble rep.
  • Land Surveyor
    If you dont have post processing software you can upload your datalogs to

    I use rinex2 format for our logs and it auto id's it. Probably accepts other formats as well.
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