This group is for LSU members who use Trimble in the field. This group is for discussions and tutorials related to Trimble user. LSU is not directly affiliated with Trimble and all logos and imagery are copyright of their respective owners.
Our TSC2 now will not connect to the rover or the base station at all, (if you have been tracking the story we discontinued use of the bluetooth and connected it directly to the base and then the rover.) When we try to connect to the base we do all of the steps.
1. Open job
2. Connect base directly to controller
3. Click on survey... RTK... then start base reciever
4. wait about three minutes and then it times out, never making the connection.
If anyone has ever had this issue, please respond, half of our team is still in Turkey unable to continue surveying.
You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community to add thoughts!
perhaps this will help... found here.
he survey controller
A survey controller is needed for running the rover receiver. The survey controller gives control over the survey and records metadata that facilitates data organization. Note that the TSC1 survey controller will not work with the R7 receiver.
The menu system is very similar for the Trimble TSC1, TSCe, and TSC2. There may be some slight variations in wording from what is shown here, depending on which controller you are using, but the general flow should be the same.
Navigation is also similar between controllers, although the TSC1 has no stylis or touch-screen and the TSCe and TSC2 do. Drop-down menus are indicated by a right-pointing arrow inside a circle. To see a drop-down menu in the TSC1, highlight the menu item and push the right arrow on the controller; in the TSCe and TSC2, touch the arrow. To go back a screen, press the "Esc" key (TSC1) or option (TSCe, TSC2). To get to the main menu, press the "Menu" key or option.
Each survey controller is powered by a removable battery; however, when plugged into a receiver the controller will run off the receiver's power.
Survey Controller
To save time in the field, configure your survey in the survey controller beforehand.
Create a Job
Turn on the survey controller by pushing the green power button.
If needed, enter the "Survey Controller" program by double-clicking the corresponding icon.
The main menu consists of 6 options on the screen. Select "Files" in the top left.
In the TSC1, select "Job management", then "New" (F1 key). In the TSCe, select "New Job".
Give the job a name using the letter and number keys and hit "Enter". In the TSC1, select a memory location for the job; suggested setting is Main memory. Hit OK (F1).
Select "Coordinate system" (in the TSCe and TSC2, double-click on it or highlight it and press the enter (arrow) key):
TSC1 only: If the job file for the previous survey is in your survey controller, select "Copy from other job". Select the job from the list.
If you are starting from scratch, we recommend you select "Select from library". Recommended settings are System: UTM, Zone: [determine your zone by checking e.g.], Datum: WGS 1984, Use geoid model: No, Use datum grid: No, Project height: [approximate average survey elevation], Coordinates: Grid.
For a custom coordinate system for your survey, select "Key in parameters".
Set the Survey Style
From the main menu, select "Configuration" in the top right.
Select "Survey Styles"-->"RTK" (or "RTK & infill" to collect raw data, options denoted by * asterisks *)-->"Rover options".
Survey type: RTK or RTK & infill
* Logging device: [Choose Controller or Receiver; suggested setting is Controller] *
* Auto file names: [Choose Yes or No; suggested setting is Yes] *
* Logging interval: [Choose logging interval; depends on survey goals] *
Broadcast format: [MUST be the same as the Broadcast format in Base options; suggested setting is CMR+; this refers to the format in which the RTK corrections are sent from the base]
INS position: RTK only (TSC1)
Use station index: [Must match Station index in Base options; suggested setting is Any if there are no other broadcasting RTK base stations in the vicinity (available only in some controllers--otherwise enter 29]
Prompt for station index: Yes
Satellite differential: Off (TSCe)
Elevation mask: [Enter elevation mask; suggested setting is 13 00'00"; this is the elevation angle from the horizon below which no data will be collected from satellites]
PDOP mask: [Enter PDOP mask; default setting is 6.0 but should be set higher in difficult surveying conditions (limited sky view); this is a quantitative expression of satellite geometry, with lower numbers representing more favorable geometries]
Antenna height: [Enter antenna height if known--can be modified in the processing or in the field]
Type: [Select antenna type from list]
Meas. to: [Select antenna height measurement method]
Serial number: [Enter antenna serial number, if known]
Hit Enter or Accept when done to get back to the RTK menu.
Select "Rover radio".
Type: [Select rover radio type from list. If using UNAVCO OPP equipment, select "Pacific Crest". If using UNAVCO EAR equipment, select "Trimble internal". If you select "Trimble internal," you are done with this page on a TSC1; select "Trimble 450/900" for "Method" on the TSCe.]
Route through controller: Leave blank (TSCe)
Controller port: [Select the port on the controller that you will be using to connect the controller to the rover receiver]
Receiver port: [Select the port on the receiver that you will be using to connect the rover receiver to the radio, usually port 3]
Hit Enter or Accept when done to get back to the RTK menu.
Select "Base options".
Survey type: RTK or RTK & infill
* Logging device: [Receiver] *
* Auto file names: [Yes] *
* Logging interval: [Select logging interal; must be at least as frequent as rover, e.g. 5 seconds] *
Broadcast format: [MUST be the same as the Broadcast format in Rover options; suggested setting is CMR+; this refers to the format in which the RTK corrections are sent from the base]
Output additional code RTCM: [No/blank]
Station index: [Must match Use station index in Rover options; suggested setting is 29]
Elevation mask: [Enter elevation mask; suggested setting is 13 00'00"]
Antenna height: [Enter antenna height--can be modified in the processing if necessary]
Type: [Select antenna type from list]
Meas. to: [Select antenna height measurement method]
Serial number: [Enter antenna serial number, if known]
Hit Enter or Accept when done to get back to the RTK menu.
Select "Base radio".
Type: [Select base radio type from list. If using UNAVCO OPP equipment, select "Pacific Crest". If using UNAVCO EAR equipment, select "TRIMMARK 3"]
Controller port: [Select the port on the controller that you will be using to connect the controller to the base receiver, usually COM1]
Receiver port: [Select the port on the receiver that you will be using to connect the rover receiver to the radio, usually Port 3]
Hit Enter or Accept when done to get back to the RTK menu.
Select "Topo point"
Auto point step size: [Enter auto point step size; suggested setting is 1; this automatically names points measured with the last character being a number 1 higher than that of the previous point measured]
Quality control: [Select quality control option; suggested setting is QC1&QC2]
Auto store point: [Select Yes or No; suggested setting is Yes; this automatically stores a point after the minimum conditions specified below are met]
Occupation time: [Enter minimum occupation time; suggested setting is 0m 5s; this specifies how long you would like to occupy a survey point]
Number of measurements: [Enter minimum number of measurements; suggested setting is 3; this specifies how many measurements you would like to collect before the controller stores your survey point]
Horizontal precision: [Enter minimum horizontal precision needed to store a measurement; suggested setting is 0.015m]
Vertical precision: [Enter minimum horizontal precision needed to store a measurement; suggested setting is 0.020m]
Hit Enter or Accept when done to get back to the RTK menu.
Press the Menu key to get back to the main menu. You are done configuring your survey.
If you are using a 5700 or R7 receiver, make sure there is a compact flash card in the receiver and enough memory for your survey (base station).
Make sure there is enough memory on your survey controller for your survey. If using a TSC1, make sure there is a compact flash or PCMCIA card in the controller.
Charge batteries. If using internal batteries, charge them in the receiver by plugging the receiver into an AC outlet using the AC power cable.
Start a New Job
(This can be done prior to setting up the survey equipment.)
1. Turn the TSC2 controller on by pressing the green power button.
2. Press the Trimble button or Click Start… Trimble Access.
3. Click General Survey
4. Click on Jobs… New Job
5. Input the new Job name,
6. Set the Template as nrcs-gps
Template defaults are:
Coordinate System= 15 North (UTM), Select coordinate system = Select from library,
System = UTM, Zone = 15 North, Datum = NAD 1983 (Conus) (mol), Geoid Model =
GO9IA, Datum Grid = No, Coordinates = Grid, Project height = 0 (Set this to an elevation
within the project range if points without elevations are used for COGO calculations),
Units = International Feet, & Cogo = Grid.
7. Click Linked Files if you want to select coordinate files that have existing points to be
referenced into this project.
8. Tab down to the 2nd screen and type in the operator name & any other notes
9. Click Accept.
Set up GPS
10. Turn on R8. (External radio antenna is not needed.)
11. Turn on Data cell phone.
12. Turn the TSC2 controller on by pressing the green power button.
13. Click the Trimble Access button.
14. Click General Survey
15. Controller will connect to GPS unit via Bluetooth. Watch for satellites beneath the battery
level on the right side of screen. See Switching GPS Bluetooth Connections. (Rover)
Conduct Topo Survey
16. Click Measure… Iowa RTN… Measure Points.
17. If asked select the RTCM3_IMAX Identifier. ., Click Enter
18. The Controller will initialize the GPS survey. Watch for RTN:Fixed to appear and for the
Vertical precision to get down to around 0.10 ft.
19. Take Benchmark & Control Point shots:
Input the Point Name for the TBM 1 (e.g. 501),
Code = tbm 1
20. Method = Observed control point
21. Antenna Height = 2m
22. Measured to = Bottom of antenna mount
23. Set up bipod on benchmark and Click Measure
24. Once the 3 minutes of data collection has occurred click Store.
Point Names for Survey Shots
Instrument Points use 1, 2, 3 …
Benchmarks use 501, 502, 503 …
Turning Points use 201, 202, 203 …
Topog shots – start at 1000
Continuous Topo – start at 3000
Hope this helps