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GeoLearn - Wendy Lathrop Talks About Online Lessons for Land Surveyors

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Wendy Lathrop is on the faculty at GeoLearn. She is a nationally recognized expert on the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program. Wendy has in the past, represented ACSM on the Technical Mapping Advisory Council to FEMA. GeoLearn is an online education company founded in 2013 by leaders in the geospatial industry and exists to serve professionals in the surveying, mapping, GIS and related communities with interactive online videos designed to be engaging and immersive. GeoLearn offers professional development courses that are taught by acknowledged experts and have been approved for Professional Development Hours (PDHs) by Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and are accepted as continuing education credit by most licensing boards and accrediting organizations. As users, customers get full course tracking and reporting capabilities. GeoLearn also supports tracking of education taken via other educational outlets. Courses are available online for computers and can also be viewed via downloadable app on iPhones and iPads (Android app coming soon). For further information about GeoLearn call: 1-877-225-0317 or visit

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