Hi everyone.
My MS1Ax total station has got a problem when loading on board TopSurv.
When I start the program, I get this error message

If I go on, I can still use some functions, but for instance, if I try to make a resection using three points that I have previously recorded, I can’t see the list of the recorded points. In several instances, this error message gets back again.
I have also tried to replace the tpsOpts.dll file with the one that I have in another total station (whic works perfectly) but still the problem remains.
Could anyone help me sorting out this problem?
I attach here below the content of the erropr log file:
00000.000 ; 7 ; Program \ROMDisk\PROGRAM\TopSURV\tpsMain.exe started on 01/01/2006 00:13
00000.001 ; 7 ; Software: TS 8.2.1 Dec 09, 2011
00000.001 ; 7 ; Platform: Windows CE 5.0 (build 1400 )
00000.001 ; 7 ; Processors(1): ARM920 (5.4.8)
00000.004 ; 7 ; Total Memory: 61964288 bytes, Free Memory: 31334400 bytes, Total VM: 33554432 bytes, Free VM: 18350080 bytes, DLL Address: 0x1CD1000
00000.004 ; 7 ; Total Disk: 804503552 bytes, Free Disk: 753364992 bytes
00000.005 ; 7 ; Storage Mem: 15425536 bytes, Free Storage: 15051744 bytes
00000.019 ; 7 ; Number of files in \Temp 0
00000.031 ; 7 ; *** error in C:\GPT-9000\Ver8\source\TSTPS\tpsMain\apputils.cpp, line 668, err_code 0, last_error= 2
00000.038 ; 7 ; *** error in C:\GPT-9000\Ver8\source\TSTPS\tpsMain\apputils.cpp, line 669, err_code 0, last_error= 2
00011.434 ; 7 ; Geo loading time E = 0 D = 0 P = 1754
00019.120 ; 7 ; Could not load library \ROMDisk\PROGRAM\TopSURV\tpsOpts.dll err code = 193
00035.013 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.022 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.250 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.306 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.365 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.423 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.479 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.537 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.593 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.649 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.722 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.783 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.841 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.897 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00035.961 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00036.017 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00036.073 ; 7 ; DBGCHK c:\gpt-9000\ver8\source\communication\devicemodel.h @ 41
00036.238 ; 7 ; TotalStation Manufacturer: Sokkia
00036.238 ; 7 ; TotalStation Model: SRX
00036.238 ; 7 ; TotalStation Connection: Cable
00036.403 ; 7 ; Trying connection on: ports {COM7:} bauds {57600 460800 460800 460800 460800 460800 460800 460800} settings N/8/1 instrument TS
00055.983 ; 7 ; Could not load library \ROMDisk\PROGRAM\TopSURV\tpsOpts.dll err code = 193
00441.069 ; 7 ; Logging finished
Many thanks in advance