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Topcon Positioning Support Hubย  is a dedicated place for Land Surveyors Unitedย  members who use Topcon Instruments in the field to share experiences and support one another with troubleshooting issues. This group is specifically for discussions and tutorials related to Topcon Land Surveying Equipment.

Please Note: Land Surveyors United Communityย  is not directly affiliated with Topcon and all logos and imagery are copyright of respective owners.ย  This group is for educational purposes and social support with Topcon Equipment.

Land Surveyor


I am looking to replace my DL 101 with a DL 501. The dealer, who does not stock these and seems to know little about them, is telling me that the 501 will not read the old rods and that I need to buy new and very expensive ones.

Would Topcon do this to us? Actually, I believe that they would. Has anyone had any experience with these? Has anyone successfully used a Trimble level to read Topcon rods?


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