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Topcon Operation Codes

(This functionality is available with the Input / Output module)

This topic documents the operation codes that may be used when performing field surveys with Topcon data recorders for processing in the system.

Operation Codes for the FC4

LISCAD uses the operations defined in the FC4 documentation. Please refer to that document.

Operation Codes for the FC5, CR1, GTS6, GTS-210 Series, GTS-220 Series and the GTS-310 Series.

The GTS-210 Series includes the GTS-211D, GTS-212 and the GTS-213 models.

The GTS-220 Series includes the GTS-223, GTS-225, GTS-226 and the GTS-229 models.

The GTS-310 Series includes the GTS-311, GTS-312 and the GTS-313 models.

Various field operations can be entered using the code field. These operation codes will cause the system to perform the following processes:-

  • Interpret an observation as a Backsight
  • Enter a description against a point
  • Construct Arcs and Circles
  • Apply entered offsets to an observation.
  • Dimension symbols
  • Delete an elevation from a point
  • Set Line Creation Methods and various string operations.

The operation codes are entered in the code field, and may be preceded by a feature code. Each operation code MUST be preceded by a separator (this is the plus '+'character). More than one operation code can be entered against an observation.

Following is a detailed definition of each operation code.

Backsight - Operation Code 'B[Reference Object point identifier]'

When entered in the point code field following a new station setup, the bearing of this observation is extracted and entered as the backsight bearing from that station to a reference Object. If the operation code is directly followed by a number, this is interpreted as the reference object point identifier. If a number is not entered, the point number of the observation is taken as the reference object point identifier. E.g. +B23 +B

Description - Operation Code 'P'

Alpha numeric characters after the P until the next '+' character are transferred to the note field of the system. E.g. +PGUM gives a note of GUM

Arc Construction - Operation Codes 'A3', 'AT'

'A3' defines an arc consisting of the current point and the following 2 points. E.g +A3

Circle Construction - Operation Codes 'C3', 'CD', 'CR*.*'

'C3' defines a circle consisting of the current point and the following 2 points on the circumference. E.g. +C3 'CD' defines a circle consisting of the current point and the following point which are taken as diameter points on the circle. E.g. +CD

'CR' defines a circle around the current point with the radius entered. The radius, in units must immediately follow this code. E.g. +CR4.7 defines a circle of radius 4.7 units around the current point.

Offsets - Operation Codes 'OF*.*', 'OB*.*', 'OR*.*', 'OL*.*', 'OU*.*', 'OD*.*'

'OF' (Forward) applies an added distance to the measured distance. E.g. +OF0.34

'OB' (Backward) reduces the measured distance by the value specified. E.g. +OB0.34

'OR' (Right) applies an offset to the right of the measured position by the offset specified.

E.g. +OR1.7

'OL' (Left) applies an offset to the left of the measured position by the offset specified.

E.g. +OL2.17

'OU' (Up) adds the entered value to the elevation of the reduced observation. E.g. +OU1.12

'OD' (Down) subtracts the entered value from the elevation of the reduced observation. E.g. +OD1.12

Symbols - Operation Codes 'D1*.*', 'D2*.* *.*', 'DC*'

NOTE: All symbols are derived from the code table (user defined). The symbol of the current feature code is automatically generated. 'D1' and 'D2' operation codes are used to control the symbol size.

'D1' This designates a single dimension for a symbol. The symbol generated will have the same height and width as entered. E.g. +D13.4 will create a symbol with a size of 3.4 units.

'D2' This designates a two dimensional symbol. The symbol generated will have the height and width as entered. The second dimension MUST be separated from the first with a space.

E.g. +D23.4 1.0 will create a symbol with a height of 3.4 units and a width of 1.0 units.

'DC' This operation code sets a temporary point feature code for this point. This permits the entering of point symbols during the creation of a string of a different feature code. E.g. +DC102 will use the symbol defined in the code table for feature code identifier 102.

NOTE: For tree symbols, height refers to the spread, and width refers to the trunk diameter. If the symbol is single dimensional no trunk will be drawn. The maximum size for dimensions is 32.5 .

Strings - Operation Codes 'SB', 'SR', 'SS', 'SC', 'SM'

'SB' This operation code closes the current string back to beginning of the string. E.g. +SB

'SR' This operation code will start a new string from the previous point. This is used when a string code is changed but continuous stringing is required, say for a common top and toe point.

E.g. +SR

'SS' This sets the Line Creation Method to a straight line. E.g. +SS

'SC' This sets the Line Creation Method to a curved line. E.g. +SC

Remove Elevation - Operation Code 'R'

'R' This operation code sets the elevation of the observed point to undefined. E.g. +R

Operation Codes for the FC6

Various field operations can be entered using the FC6 control record. Always use, and - separators as shown.

Option Control recordResultEntry
Circle by 3 points CIRC3A circle is constructed using the previous point and the next two points as circumference points.
Circle by centre and radius RAD,xxxxA circle is constructed using the previous point as centre and the radius entered (xxxx).
Circle by diameter points CIRCDA circle is constructed using the previous point and the next point as diameter points.
Circle by centre and radial point CIRCRA circle is constructed using the previous point as centre and the next point as a radial point.
Close string CLOSEThe current string is closed back to its beginning.
Start String from previous point REPEAT A string just started is joined back to the previous point.
Start straight strings SLINE Strings starting from the last point will be drawn as straight (not curved) until a CLINE control record is encountered.
Start Curved strings CLINE Strings starting from the last point will be drawn as curved until an SLINE control record is encountered.
Remove elevation REMOVE The elevation is removed from the last point.
Dimensioned Symbol SYM,dim1,dim2The symbol associated with the feature code of the last point is dimensioned with the entered values (dim1 and dim2). Refer to the Code Table Point Attributes topic for an explanation of how dimensions 1 and 2 are applied to the symbol.
Join JOIN,ID-ID,ccccc The two points entered (ID-ID) are joined by a line of the feature code entered (ccccc).
Join JOINALL,ID-ID,cc All points with identifiers between the two identifiers entered (ID-ID) are joined by a line of the feature code entered (cc).
Delete last point DELETE Deletes last point.
Delete specific point DELETE,ID Deletes the point with the entered identifier (ID).
Delete range DELETE,ID,ID Deletes all points with identifiers between the entered identifiers (ID,ID).
Create square to right SQRR Creates a square to the right side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create square to left SQRL Creates a square to the left side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create rectangle to right RECTR,xxxx Creates a rectangle of width entered (xxxx) to the right side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create rectangle to left RECTL,xxxx Creates a rectangle of width entered (xxxx) to the left side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create parallelogram RECTCreates a parallelogram with vertices of the last point and the next two points.
Create arc ARC Creates an arc using the last point and the next two points as circumference points.

The following field operations can be entered using the FC6 note record.

Option Note Result Entered
Description ddddddd The description entered (ddddddd) is assigned to the last point.

Operation codes for GTS600/GTS700/GTS800/GTS800A Instruments:

New operation codes have had to be created for these new Topcon instruments because the data is recorded in is in a different order from earlier models and because the new keyboards have placed extra restrictions on the data entry. The data can now also be downloaded directly from these Topcon instruments.

New Operation Codes for the GTS-600, GTS-700, GTS-800 and the GTS-800/A

The following operation codes can be entered using the instruments control (CTL) record. The separator between fields MUST be a '#' character.

Operation Code Syntax Description
Dimensioned symbol S#dim1#dim2 The symbol associated with the feature code of the point is dimensioned with the entered values (dim1 and dim2). Refer to the LISCAD's Code Table Point Attributes help topic for an explanation of how dimensions 1 and 2 are applied to the symbol.
Close string C The currently running string is closed back to its start point.
Start string from previous point SR A new string that has just been started is joined back to the previous point.
Start straight string SS Strings created from the point will be drawn as straight line (not curves) until a SC control record is encountered.
Start curved string SC Strings starting from the point will be drawn as curved until an SS control record is encountered.
Create an arc A Creates an arc using the last point and the next two points as circumference points.
Circle by 3 points C3 A circle is constructed using the last point and the next two points as circumference points.
Circle by centre and radius CC#xx.x A circle is constructed using the last point as centre and the radius entered (xxxx).
Circle by diameter points CD A circle is constructed using the last point and the next point as diameter points.
Circle by centre and radial point CR A circle is constructed using the last point as centre and the next point as a radial point.
Create square to right QR Creates a square to the right side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create square to left QL Creates a square to the left side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create rectangle to right Creates a rectangle of width entered ( to the right side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create rectangle to left RL, Creates a rectangle of width entered ( to the left side of the line from the last point to the next point.
Create a parallelogram R3 Creates a parallelogram with vertices of the last point and the next two points.
Join two points J#ID1#ID2#ccccc The two points entered (ID1 and ID2) are joined by a line of the feature code entered (ccccc).
Join a range of points JA#ID1#ID2#ccccc All points with identifiers between the range entered (ID1 to ID2) are joined by a line of the feature code entered (ccccc).
Remove elevation R The elevation is removed from the last point.
Delete current point D Deletes the last point.
Delete specific point D#ID Deletes the point with the identifier entered. (ID)
Delete range of points D#ID1#ID2 Deletes all points with identifiers that fall between the range entered. (ID1 to ID2).

NOTE:- A point description can be entered using the NOTE record. The description entered is assigned to the previous point.

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