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Topcon Hiper Sr GPS receiver RTK network

Hi Topcon users, I'm looking for a solution for my (Radio Link) problem with the Topcon Hiper SR receiver.

I'm trying to get a fixed solution after connecting the Hiper with bluetooth to the FC-5000 (Magnet Field 5.1)  and getting the mouth point and Server connection.

after connecting to the server  the system don't get a Radio link.

We are using an internet connection (Sim card in the FC-5000) to connect to a reference antenna connected in a RTK network. 

We have two old receiver (Topcon Hiper XT) and they are working fine.

who can tell me what the problem is.

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Best regard,

Monty Kock

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  • Not a Surveyor

    Hello i had simular problem but with hiper v and what i had to after getting the rover connected and field ready  was going to setup then reciver managment then into info then the go to the m in left top courner and click on factory reset it will clear the rovers ram and that worked to get fixed rtk so unless you have all already fixed you might try this 

    best luck 

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