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Topcon Positioning Support Hub  is a dedicated place for Land Surveyors United  members who use Topcon Instruments in the field to share experiences and support one another with troubleshooting issues. This group is specifically for discussions and tutorials related to Topcon Land Surveying Equipment.

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topcon GTS235 total station guideBelow is a handy user guide i found for using the Topcon GTS235 Total Station, including instructions for setting up, turning angles and pretty much a great guide all around for someone who is just getting started. This user guide contains diagrams and lists for helpful information involved with getting to know your Topcon GTS235 Total Station. I hope some other surveyor out there will find this useful. I have also included a video for using the GTS230 Series from Topcon on Youtube.

Good Luck fellow Surveyors!

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  • Student Surveyor

    How do you process Measured GTS data in your country.

  • Thanks a lot. I will try this machine out tomorrow. 

  • Party Chief

    amazed at all of these views but no replies...must have been really helpful

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