Topcon Positioning Support Hub is a dedicated place for Land Surveyors United members who use Topcon Instruments in the field to share experiences and support one another with troubleshooting issues. This group is specifically for discussions and tutorials related to Topcon Land Surveying Equipment.
Please Note: Land Surveyors United Community is not directly affiliated with Topcon and all logos and imagery are copyright of respective owners. This group is for educational purposes and social support with Topcon Equipment.
Who's cable are you using? Some of the old serial cables had a "swapped pair" Also, Trimbles website has a pretty good knowledge base to drop this question into.
And, why the cable? or doesn't the GTS-235W have Bluetooth?
This might help...
Hi Kevin...
Thanks for replying! I am using the serial cable that does work between our TSC3 and our Topcon GPT-3000. I tried the bluetooth on the GTS-235W with multiple TSC3's. I can create a partnership, but I am unable to establish any communication between the equipment. Per Trimbles release notes on Access Version 2015.21 third party bluetooth connections should be supported, and I did confirm that one of our DC's exceeds that I'm lost again. Again, thank you any and all for help.