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Topcon GR-3 Digital II upgrade Bluetooth Issues

We recently upgraded several of our GR-3's from Digital I to Digital II.  Since then we have had intermittent Bluetooth connectivity issues.  It's hard to nail down the issue but I will describe it the best I can.  

It seems the problems all started after I updated the devices to Digital II.  At random times when the user tries to connect to the GR-3 it will not be able to find the GR-3's Bluetooth signature.  I have tried resetting the devices and turning them on and then back on.  At random times once you turn the device on then off it will show up as a device on the data collector.  You can then connect and it seems to stay connected as a Rover.  But, it seems that when my foreman shuts the Device down then tries to connect the next day it will not be able to find the Bluetooth signature.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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