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FC-5000 Pocket 3D Won't display Full Screen

I was working the field the other day and somehow I managed to glitch out my Pocket 3D to where it will not boot in Full Screen mode.  I have tried using Tablet mode and that doesn't help.  I think its a Windows 10 thing.  Pocket 3D has limited menus for display so I have gone through all the menus and found nothing.

I reinstalled the latest version and that didn't work. 

Any help is appreciated.

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  • Not a Surveyor

    Hello not sure if you have solved the problem but in case you have not you need to connect mouse to your fc5000 put the pointer on the pocket 3d shortcut and right click on it then go to properties and click on that go on run click on the down arrow and choose maximized then apply and then ok close window and open pocket 3d in full screen 

    Best luck 

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