Good day.
I am looking for assistance in transferring data to my Sokkia 3030r from txt. file. This data was extracted from Cad file / cogo points. I have Pt, North, East, Elev, code format. (comma del) I also created an .SDR file. I am playing around with both Spectrum link and Sokkia link and I cannot manage to transfer to data to the machine. I am missing a component and can't find much information online. I bought a new Compact flash card. (64mb), a low storage card (this is what I understand as being required for the older machine). I formatted the card using the machine. I tried both SDR20 and SDR33 files. from the new card. Card to Mem > I get a "There are no entries" pop up. I also tried transferring from app - Spectrum link, and sokkia link with no success.
I assume my txt format or SDR file is not formatted correctly or something ?? Anyone out there have tips or recommendations?
thank you kindly
Views: 44
My solution: I am able to open the txt file using software Sokkia Link. Under the total station settings, bring in the txt info. Then export to SDR - selecting the .CRD format in the file save dialogue. Once that is on the Compact flash, you can use the Card to Mem function to import the data to the machine. The filename doesnt transfer for some reason, but the data does. Just rename the file accordingly.