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Sokkia Support Group is for discussions and tutorials related  to surveyors who use Sokkia in the field. 

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Land Surveyor


the sokkia GRX2 receiver is showing the red solid light on the receiver health display led indicator. this is the button just on top of the power button. 

as a result the receiver is not being able to connect to the data logger through bluetooth. it is able to find the receiver id sometimes but is not able to 

connect. anyone has the solution of what might have happened. 

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  • Survey Legend

    Hi... i am going to move this discussion to the Sokkia Hub...  that is where all Sokkia Users can be found..

    Sokkia Support Group
    Sokkia Support Hub for Land Surveyors is a community for Land Surveyors to share helpful tips and tricks for using Sokkia equipment and software in l…
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