Follow Nikon Support Hub

This community Hub is for Land Surveyors United members who use Nikon Instruments in the field. This group is for discussions and tutorials related to Nikon user. Land Surveyors United is not directly affiliated with Nikon and all logos and imagery are copyright of their respective owners.

Nikon Tutorials

Road Design - Key into Trimble Access - Simple
Fixing Date errors on GNSS Static Data when using old GNSS Receivers (GPS)
How to check or change the Vial / bubble on a Survey grade Prism Rod
Replacing the Vial / Bubble on a Survey Rod is simple
How to orientate the telescope without looking through the eye piece - Trimble S7 Robotic.
How to covert a Road LandXML to Trimble RXL Road design format
How to key in a Road Design using Trimble Access Roads installed on a Trimble C5 total station
Batterboard Placement Explained for Cut & Fill - Trimble Access Roads

Welcome to the Support Group for Nikon Surveying Instruments


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  • Kyaw Min Tun thanks so much please solve an example
  • Land Surveyor

    Hi Imran daud shah,

    We can get AZ1 andĀ AZ2 Azimuth directionĀ from two ways.

    FirstĀ wayĀ - Ā AZ1 and AZ2 is perpendicularĀ by center point (O)Ā to P1 line. So we will know AZ1 and AZ2 azimuth direction.

    Second way - If you using AUTO Cad , can measure angleĀ direct from North line 0 degree to AZ1 and AZ2 line.

  • yes bus sir how we measure with out auto and any formula or any tips
  • Land Surveyor
    U have to measure it in autocadd. Draw a line from p1 to north direction . And then check the angle between north line and arc line. That will be ur az1z same like u can measure az2
  • Can you help me how to measure
  • Land Surveyor
    Thnx a lot mr. Kyaw min tun.... i got it. I will check it. And mr imran doud shah thi az1 and az2 will measured from north.
  • Thanks sir but how I defied AZ1 and AZ2
  • Land Surveyor

    1201343833?profile=originalHi NAYUM KHAN,

    you canĀ follow this photo instruction.

  • Land Surveyor
    Hii nikon form members and admin..
    There is problem or confusion that how to use arc reference line by using radius and arc lenth. Plz solve it.
  • Hi Nikon Forum,

    I did measure a closed polygon, which I downloaded only their coordinates, apparently shot last loop coordinates are not the same as the beginning coordinate (no price difference)
    how to coordinate alignment

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