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Allegro data collector with Sokkia GSR2600 and RadianIS

I am using Carlson Survey.  The two units are listed in the gps equipment list.  The data collector can not find the receiver.  I have checked cables, settings, default settings what is the problem.

I am using an HP IPAQ to do rtk work with these machines, no problem.

Any ideas would be helpful.



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  • Seeking Employment

    Get rid of the HP IPAQ. Why6 are you using that when you have an allegro controller to work with???

    • I second the check baud rate etc.
      When I have trouble sometimes a complete shutdown of Allegro and restart fixes all connections issue.

      But Baud Rate must be correct. Mine are 9600

      I know Carlson for some reason changes the radio Baud to 38400 and in my Sokkia 2650LB, PDL radio must be 9600, Com 1

      Not sure what your setup is supposed to be though.

  • The units use cables

    • I'm just gonna add this though I'm sure you've done it already:

      Be sure the connection type is set to "cable" and not Bluetooth etc.

  • Make sure you have the same port and baud rate selected on both.

  • Student Surveyor

    Hi Doug, 

    How the data collector should be connected with the receiver, cable, radio or wireless? 

    • Doug,

      It could be a bluetooth sync problem between two or more connections.  Try removing one of the devices to see if helps.  I generally run into this problem between my GPS unit and laser range finder while syncing to a tablet.

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