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This group is for Land Surveyors United members who use Leica Geosystems Surveying Instruments in the field. This group is for discussions and tutorials related to Leica user. Land Surveyors United is not directly affiliated with Leica and all logos and imagery are copyright of their respective owners.

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our Ts06+ is getting waterlogged?

Used it in about... 20minutes of moderate rain. Took it home and took it inside (we never put it in its box) and using it yesterday and there was a big patch of moisture inside the screen. Is this normal? Its only 2 months old and I thought they were supposed to be water tight

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  • Vendor

    As a Leica Service guy I have seen this issue a few times, but usually due to other circumstances. I have had crews put a wet instrument in a soft case, which is worse than a hard case for moisture.  I have seen the instrument seals defective.  I have also seen repair centers not changing the seals when opening the instrument.  I would say in your case, you may just have a defective seal.  I would bring the instrument back to the location you purchased it and ask for the screen/seal to be replaced.  You don't want to have problems with that later, especially out of warranty.   Do not use silicon...that;s just a mess.  A properly torqued display with a good seal should repel the worst of the weather.

    Best of luck to you.

  • I have found that Leica's IPX standards have gone down significantly the last few years.

    We have had a number of 1202's, that despite not being used in heavy rains would go down on the crews.

    I was told by our Leica service guy that he has been having the same problem.

    We finally told him that our 6 year old guns out of warranty can be repaired with orig seals and silicon (something Leica does not approve of!.)

    Obviously your's being under warranty is another issue.

    Good luck.

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