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This group is for Land Surveyors United members who use Leica Geosystems Surveying Instruments in the field. This group is for discussions and tutorials related to Leica user. Land Surveyors United is not directly affiliated with Leica and all logos and imagery are copyright of their respective owners.

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Land Surveyor

leica tcr407 firmware

I  have a Leica tcr407 total station and would like some insight as well as an older firmware version.  I made a boo-boo and used wrong class when uploading and my machine is giving weak signal error 6.  eica said maybe upload a different version of firmware.  If anyone has this knowlege or the resource please advise.  Thanks

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  • Land Surveyor

    Yes.   I have searched quite a bit and can't find any older firmware.  I have the latest firmware , however I need an older version because I have to repair my firmware and machine already thinks I have latest f.ware.

  • Survey Legend

    Have you seen this walkthrough?

    its in another language but it may help..

  • Survey Legend

    Hi Wayne..  I'm going to move your discussion to the Leica Support hub where all of the members have familiarity with Leica Instruments..

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