Survey Legend

level loop with chatGPT

I just asked ChatGPT the following: Using mermaid.js user journey diagram syntax, generate a diagram that shows the journey associated with performing a level loop in Land Surveying


and I got the following:


  participant Surveyor

  participant Level

  participant Rod


  Surveyor->>Level: Set up instrument

  Surveyor->>Rod: Establish benchmark

  Level->>Rod: Take a back sight reading

  Rod->>Level: Move staff, take intermediate readings

  Level->>Rod: Take a foresight reading

  Surveyor->>Level: Record data

  Surveyor->>Level: Move instrument to next point

  Surveyor->>Rod: Establish new benchmark

  Level->>Rod: Take a back sight reading

  Rod->>Level: Move staff, take intermediate readings

  Level->>Rod: Take a foresight reading

  Surveyor->>Level: Record data

  Surveyor->>Level: Calculate elevation differences

  Surveyor->>Level: Adjust for curvature and refraction

  Surveyor->>Level: Determine height of instrument and benchmark

  Surveyor->>Level: Check for closure errors

  Surveyor->>Level: Produce level loop report


The Result:

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