Follow the HP 48 Hub for Surveyors

Support group for land surveyors who still use HP48 and HP35 Calculators for Data Collection and in their daily surveying lives. Ā Share tips tricks and software here.

44 HP48 Surveyors
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Land Surveyor


I CAME ACROSS 4 hp 48'S, 3 ARE THE 48gx, AND ONE IS THE hp 48sx. 2 of them are still in the box, never been used! As a onetime user of these, I know that they can be treasured by some surveyors. There are also two 48G's, still in their box. An old eccentric retired NASA engineer had collected these, and his estate was auctioned off, and I got these, among other items. If anyone is interested, I am offering them for sale. Make an offer; I have no idea what they are worth. Send an email, and Iā€¦

1 Reply · Reply by Viiram McKenney Apr 13, 2023
Views: 52

hablas espaƱol Hp en lengua 35s RPN

Hello my Spanish speaking Friends, My friend in Argentina has gave me permission to feature his Hp 35sTopographic Calculation Programs. His name is Pedro Daniel Leiva.He has wrote 32 programs some he has not published like me ,but still retains being the arthur and rights to them.But still he likes to share them with you. I will start with some of the ones he has sent me.then add as i get time .I will also later Translate the instructions to English to see how they work.He has been given greatā€¦

8 Replies
Views: 103

The Little Big Calculator that Calculated I think I Can

Ā Hello Everyone, In the calculator world HP has hit some Home Runs in its time. Starting back with the original HP 35 to the little HP 25 to the HP 67 to the HP 41cx and the well used HP 48 gx. Ever one i just mention was well used in the surveying world and many more that i left out. Some of these even came with surveying programs. Now the programming is left up to us. When i started writingĀ  RPN in 1976 I was amazedĀ  how this made my math much easier to do. Plus to know how correct it was.ā€¦

45 Replies · Reply by Justin Farrow Mar 13, 2023
Views: 402

Do You Write Equations with Your HP 35s and what else can I store There?

Ā Hi Everyone, Any of you HP 35s user write equation to use in your every day work . Or is your equation list empty. IT shouldn't be. Many survey problems can be solve with a equation or two. and what else is it good for. Did you know that you can store a data list of things you need to remember. and anything else.. in your daily life . even a program list , so you want forget what program letter does what. Test takers have along list when they step in there to take theirĀ  test this calculatorā€¦

5 Replies
Views: 501

HP48 and HP35 Calculators for Surveying Support Group

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  • Student Surveyor
    Hello I am a surveying student from Sri Lanka. Can you please tell me about Hp 48 GX data collector? Can we use it as a field note book. Can we store coordinates in it?
  • Hello everyone, Does anybody have a broken HP 48, I am missing the card cover on one of mind . Just thought i would asked. If you would like to get rid of it. let me know.

    Ā billy

  • Hi everyone,Next do you use equations , well this 35s is a good place to start , and what else can you store there. you will be surprise. Taking yourĀ  test too much to remember , you want have to remember anything becauseĀ  you have a equation list where, in your HP 35s, how is this going to help me remember.

    Ā stay tune in same place same station.

  • Hi everyone, Just want to say hi to everybody We will get this ball a rolling, talk about the old and the new. Because with the limited number of calculators in the market ,the hunt is on for the old ones.Just go to ebay and price a 48gx with TDS survey and ram cards.More than collectors want them.I get ask to sell mine all the time.the answer will always be no.I have some friends who sold their, now they wish they had not.

    good everyone.


  • GEO Ambassador

    @charles...did you ever find the help you needed?

    should've started a new discussion...sorry i missed that...let me know if you still need help

  • Government Professional

    1201149358?profile=original?width=7501201149389?profile=original?width=7501201149485?profile=original?width=750Some pics of my HP48 with a protective "custom" leather-vinil-film cover and an adapted cable to connect directly to a Trimble total station, I can use it as a TS controller, data collector or handheld calculator (lot of help of the hp forum to do this).

    The back straps allow to hang the calc in a tripod "hands free mode".

    Glad to share my surveyor-inventor moments with you jajaa.

  • Government Professional
    Nedd some programing tips for my anyone!
  • I use my 48 all the time... I still have one that got broken...They are becoming harder to find... I have not used the 49 can you still plug the cogo program into it.... My Recon has most of the same programs........except the slope to horizontal dist. conversion. Polish Notation!

  • Thanks for the invite and the add to this group Justin. Ā I really do appreciate it as I do use the HP-48gx quite often still and really like and enjoy how well it works after getting to know it well for sometime now.

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