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hablas español Hp en lengua 35s RPN

Hello my Spanish speaking Friends, My friend in Argentina has gave me permission to feature his Hp 35s

Topographic Calculation Programs. His name is Pedro Daniel Leiva.He has wrote 32 programs some he has not published like me ,but still retains being the arthur and rights to them.But still he likes to share them with you. I will start with some of the ones he has sent me.then add as i get time .I will also later Translate the instructions to English to see how they work.He has been given great reviews in the HP calculator world for these programs. So i myself are curious to see how they work. There is 14 MB of files .I could not get the format to work so i will attach files instead.

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  • Hi Everyone , I have been trying to get back to this Discussions,to try give  the Spanish Speaking people,some time . So here is a little more info and better PDF files from Jason Foose PS ,also featuring

    Pedro Daniel Leiva, with his programs and a little more about him ,so enjoy these links. Also one on True

    Polar to Rectangular conversion equation. all on the HP 35s

    Jason's Land Surveying and HP Calculator Blog y Calculadora HP 35s Espanol
  • Hi everyone,I final made a list of Pedro's programs, in Spanish.I do not know if they are in the the right order of how anyone down loaded them,but the files are in the correct order as they were sent to me,but i do not know if this is how they are listed,but i am sure anyone can match the titles.

    # HP 35s Programas de Topografía
    1 Teorema del Coseno
    2 Teorema del Seno
    3 Teorema de Hansen
    4 Teorema de Pothenot
    5 Problema de Marek                                    
    6 Nivelación Trigonométrica                                  
    7 Angulo con Estación Fuera de Centro               
    8 Trazado de Poligonales                               
    9 Cálculo de Azimut                                     
    10 Conversión de Rumbo a Azimut & Viceversa                   
    11 Cálculo de Coordenadas                                 
    12 Coordenadas por Radiación Polar               
    13 Transformación de Coordenadas                    
    14 Poligonal a partir de Coordenadas                    
    15 Angulos a partir de Rumbos                             
    16 Area por Distancia Meridiana Doble                 
    17 Area del Polígono Cerrado                                      
    18 Regla de Simpson ´s                                          
    19 División de Superficies                              
    20 Area prederminada (triángulo y trapezoide)               
    21 Planímetro Polar de Coradi                              
    22 Eclímetro de Abney                                    
    23 Altura con Pie no Accesible                    
    24 Tablas Taquimétricas de JORDAN               
    25 Interpolación para Curvas de Nivel                  
    26 Curvas Circulares                                          
    27 Cubicación de un Tajamar                             
    28.Cálculo del Movimiento de Tierra
    29 Mínimos Cuadrados p/cálculo de Pendientes             
    30 Funciones Calendario                                   
    31 Volume of the Box Problem                          
    32 MCD & MCM_5 numbers
    1 Teoremas geométricos
    2 Medición indirecta de distancias y posicionamiento  
    3 Angulos, azumut y rumbos                                                 
    4 Nivelación                                                 
    5 Coordenadas                                       
    6 Cálculo de superficies                            
    7 Taquimetría (medición plani altimétrica)                          
    8 Cubicación                                                             
    9 Misceláneas
    Pedro Daniel Leiva

  • Hello Everyone,Pedro Daniel Leiva lives in the City of Pergamino (Buenos Aires). He is also a promoter of HP calculator ,like me.This Discussion is to help everyone he has already agree to help me rewrite them in English, or help with problems ,the programs are in RPN so that is already English, just the instructions are in Spanish. Computer Translators are easy to use,either way i will be looking to solve them and help in this is just more of The little BIG Calculator that calculated i think i can,This may put the programs over 100.What other calculator you know that can claim this.that cost 60 bucks.and i am still writing in that Discussion.Here are some more Pedro's Program.

    • Hi everyone ,Even though surveyors of the world speak different languages,they still want to help each other.Perhaps there is only one language between them,the language of brotherhood.

      So here is some more of Pedro Daniel Leiva programs.he was very happy just to share these with the LSU members.

  • Looking forward to the upload.
    • Hi cut fill, I sent you some more.I forgot to mention, my good friend Eddie Shore help with some of these programs..I use his macro programs to write RPN on my HP Prime.Eddie is something else.Let Me know what you think of these.

    • Hay cut fill, i did not know you spoke Spanish,where i live you better speak some.

  • Hello Everyone ,Something went south,so i will try to up load some of the files.But thank you Pedro Daniel Leiva.for wanting to share with us.

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