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Navcom Starfire Coverage Area Map

NAVCOM is a John Deere Corp division that was created to support the automation of farming. Just to let you know how big that industry is the Deere Corp launched it's own satellite called STARFIRE. This satellite transmits a signal that corrects these units to a decimeter by it's self or Standalone. These units corrected by the Starfire signal is great for Farming or Agriculture, plus Mapping, GIS, and engineering planning. Also excellent for navigation for all types of machinary and equipment such as boats,tractors,ATV,actually in the Air, Land AND water -lots of applications where about a 4 inch accuracy is great. This is Standalone.NAVCOM is a John Deere Corp division that was created to support the automation of farming. Just to let you know how big that industry is the Deere Corp launched it's own satellite called STARFIRE. This satellite transmits a signal that corrects these units to a decimeter by it's self or Standalone. These units corrected by the Starfire signal is great for Farming or Agriculture, plus Mapping, GIS, and engineering planning. Also excellent for navigation for all types of machinary and equipment such as boats,tractors,ATV,actually in the Air, Land AND water -lots of applications where about a 4 inch accuracy is great. This is Standalone.
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