What equipment do you use in the field, Surveyor? Review any surveying products here for other surveyors to learn from. Everyone has something to review.
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Surveyors Review Products for Other Surveyors

Every surveyor has either a new piece of equipment or an old piece of junk that they threw away. Tell this group why you love or hate that surveying product so that other surveyors can learn from your genius or from your mistakes.

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GPS/DataCollector Units

When it comes to equipment, one needs to be able to get it fixed quickly to reduce downtime.  I have had experiences with the Promark3RTK unit that has a damaged touch screen. The units slipped out of the pole mount bracket, swung down on by the antenna cable that got dinged by the pole of clamp somehow. The unit still works by using the finger buttons in the Survey Program that does static GPS due to its simplicity but is too complicated to use without the touch screen options in the…

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7 Replies
Party Chief

Total Station Reviews

Total Stations Reply to this discussion for any reviews that you might have for total stations.  Please use the following format: Name of Total Station and Model: ex. Topcon AP-L1A Location where you work: Rate the Collector:  Scale of 1-10     Design: Scale of 1-10     Usability:  Scale of 1-10     Results from Work: 1-10 Would You Recommend this Total Station to another surveyor? yes, no Description of Review:  three or more sentences describing your review.

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3 Replies
Party Chief

Data Collector Reviews

Data Collectors Reply to this discussion for any reviews that you might have for data collection devices.  Please use the following format: Name of Data Collector and Model: Location where you work: Rate the Collector:  Scale of 1-10     Design: Scale of 1-10     Usability:  Scale of 1-10     Results from Work: 1-10 Would You Recommend this Data Collector to another surveyor? yes, no Description of Review:  three or more sentences describing your review.

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1 Reply