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GPS PROS Group Forum is for any member of LSU that is a professional land surveyor using primarily GPS in the field. Geodetic / Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Get help and offer support with survey grade GPS!

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Trimble Access: Connecting You to a World of New PossibilitiesSurveying is a detail-filled job. Preparation is paramount. Yet even with the best preparation, unforeseen challenges can occur:The customer wasn't ready for you to start when you arrived on the scheduled dayThe site wasn't accessible, for whatever reasonThe wrong stakeout file was uploaded in the data controllerThere were obstructions in the survey lines of sightThe design file had mistakes in itProblems like these-and many more-usually are recognized only when the surveyors get to the site, ready to begin work. Until now, it often meant that they would have to drive back to the office, pick up the correct files or obtain data for an entirely new job, drive back to the site or to the next one, and, hopefully, start to work. Lost time. Lost money. Perhaps a lost job.But now, Trimble Access Software quickly remedies such situations and keeps you producing. No longer do you need to drive back to the office for the right controller or files, to get the info needed to swap jobs or to fix the design files. With Trimble Access, you can quickly acquire the proper file(s) and data from the office while remaining on site. You're quickly up and running-without running back to the office.Need a new file? Just have it uploaded from the office to your data controller. It's that simple. Call the office and ask a colleague to upload the file to the secure, on-line folder provided by Trimble Access. The file is automatically synced to your controller-and you're back in business, right there in the field. More field time, less drive time, fewer distractions and more productivity. Find something unexpected? Take a digital scan with a Trimble VX Spatial Station or digital photos and send the file(s) back to the office. The office crew can orient themselves to the real-world situation, discuss the options with the field crew over a mobile phone and quickly determine the appropriate action. Faster action, less drive time, improved teamwork and increased productivity, with better results.And, when the field work is done-or even while it is being done-you can send the data to the office to begin the next step. The CAD operator can start working as soon as the survey is finished-no travel required, which means no time lost. If the survey crew uploads/streams the data live while they are working, the office staff can start processing in parallel, identify potential mistakes or provide expert problem resolution while the crew is still on site. The job is finished faster and the �down time� of another unnecessary trip is eliminated from the project cost.The Trimble AccessSync™ feature of Trimble Access gives you instant access to your online Trimble Connected Community portal from the field to the office. Trimble AccessSync automatically and transparently synchronizes field and office files in real time, in the background, without delaying or disrupting your standard computing processes. This feature beats even the best of existing data transfer systems because it is integrated into the complete workflow. No more tedious manual e-mail setup; no slow, problematic uploads to FTP sites; and no error-prone dictation over the phone.Trimble Access helps you save time and be even more productive in many other ways as well. For normal survey tasks, Trimble Access offers a General Survey module that enables the surveyors to control survey operations in a familiar environment. In addition, Trimble Access provides new streamlined workflows that organize the task in a logical, application-focused, step-by-step approach. This enables a survey crew to get faster results by eliminating unnecessary steps in the process. Even specialized applications, such as tunnels and roads, are simplified and expedited with available streamlined workflows. These streamlined workflows minimize the learning curve, allowing users to be operational in the field almost immediately. They allow you to focus on the deliverables you are creating, not on the software how-to's of each task along the way. You're in complete control. The Trimble Connected Community portal provides a secure backbone infrastructure and a unified interface. This portal enables all parties concerned to share a wide range of project information in near-real time throughout the life cycle of a project. Head-office management, site-office teams and field crews can securely share information and collaborate on all appropriate aspects of the project through the Trimble Connected Community portal. This on-line service integrates today's most advanced information technologies (IT) to address the customers' most fundamental IT infrastructure, collaboration, and data management needs. All of this collaboration and connectivity is provided in a secure environment without extensive IT investments.By connecting you to the Trimble Connected Community, Trimble Access provides significant improvements to workflow in the field and office throughout all phases of the surveying project lifecycle. It puts you in control of every aspect of the project, from data collection to final deliverables. Trimble Access sets a new standard for productivity and connectivity in the survey world. Shorten your timelines. Streamline your processes. Improve productivity across the board, in both field and office. Send data back and forth; not people. Move to Trimble Access and connect to a world of new possibilities.Note: Trimble Access includes several modules and subscription services; see for details. Connectivity in the field may vary depending on mobile phone and data provider's coverage.

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